
The LibOSSO Plugin object.


Creates a new osso.Plugin based on the osso.Context object.

context The OSSO Context object related to the application.
Returns A plugin object to use in later calls to this library. None is returned if an error happened.


Calls the execute() function of a plugin.

osso.Plugin.plugin_execute(filename, user_activated, user_data = None)
filename The shared object (.so) file of the plugin. It should include the ".so" prefix, but not a path.
user_activated If the plugin was activated by a user (as opposed to activated by restoring software state), set to True, else to False.
user_data (optional) The GTK top-level widget. It is needed so that the widgets created by the plugin can be made a child of the main application that utilizes the plugin.


This method is used to tell a plugin to save its state.

osso.Plugin.plugin_save_state(filename, user_activated, user_data = None)
filename The shared object (.so) file of the plugin. It should include the ".so" prefix, but not a path.
user_activated If the plugin was activated by a user (as opposed to activated by restoring software state), set to True, else to False.
user_data (optional) Arbitrary application specific object that will be passed to the callback and ignored by LibOSSO.

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