
  1. PIM
    1. GPE PIM Application Suite For Maemo
    2. Dates: Electronic Calendar
    3. DejaDesktop for Maemo
    4. Xournal
    5. LeafPad
    6. Maemopad+: Sketching and notes app
  2. Accessories
    1. Evince Document Viewer
    2. FBReader: e-book reader
    3. Maemo GAIM: Instant Messenger
    4. Free42: HP 42S RPN Calculator Emulator
    5. Maemo Mapper
    6. Osso Xterm
    7. Osso Xterm (advanced)
    8. SDict Viewer
    9. WhiteStork dictionary
    10. bootmenu
    11. Puchi
    12. Bluetooth xfer (OBEX OPUSH send and receive)
  3. Education
    1. Granule
  4. Statusbar and home applets
    1. Bluetooth plugin
    2. Clock applet
    3. CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet
    4. CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet with Swapon/off
    5. CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet with run command
    6. IpHome homepage-plugin
  5. GUI bluetooth applications
    1. Xkbd-btHID
  6. GUI networking applications
    1. AutoScan
    2. VNC Viewer
    3. VNC server
    4. Rdesktop
    5. Nicotine
    6. Bloglines 770: RSS reader
    7. Grsync
    8. TapiocaUI
    9. Minimo/Mozilla Web Browser
  7. Multimedia
    1. Media Streamer
    2. Glurp
    3. NFlick
    4. Ogg Vorbis Player
    5. PLCreator
    6. Tuner Tool
    7. Streamtuner (maemo port)
    8. Maemo Recorder
    9. MPlayer
  8. Games
    1. Battlegweled
    2. Blitzkrieg Onslaught
    3. Chaos Strikes Back
    4. Crazyparking
    5. Crimson Fields
    6. Descent II: First Person 3D Shoot'em up
    7. Doom
    8. GFrotz
    9. gpe-sudoku
    10. IceBreaker
    11. Jooleem
    12. La Pulga
    13. Lineo
    14. MaemoDrac
    15. MaemoSweeper
    16. Nethack
    17. Pipepanic
    18. Powermanga
    19. ScummVM
    20. SnowBall
    21. Sokoban
    22. SuperTux
    23. TuxPaint
    24. TuxPuck
    25. TwinDistress
    26. Vectoroids
    27. Xbill Maemo
    28. Freeciv for Maemo
    29. Hedgehopper demo
  9. Themes
    1. 12pt & 14pt Themes for OS 2006
  10. Command Line tools
    1. VIM
    2. Midnight Commander
    3. Bash: GNU Bourne-Again Shell
    4. bc
    5. The Daily Pluck
    6. findutils (find, xargs)
    7. btscanner
    8. Bluetooth port scanning suite
    9. Bluetooth OBEX server
    10. Less: reversible text file viewer
    11. live-f1
    12. Joe's Own Editor (joe)
    13. becomeroot
    14. Gnuplot
    15. Octave
    16. Zip
    17. Unzip
    18. tree
    19. pwgen : generation of pronounceable passwords
    20. nano
  11. Command line Networking tools
    1. Aircrack-ng
    2. Dsniff
    3. Dropbear SSH Server and Client
    4. IRSSI IRC client
    5. kismet
    6. knock
    7. Links terminal www browser
    8. Ntpdate: set clock from a NTP server
    9. netcat
    10. socat
    11. OpenSSH Server and client
    12. OpenVPN: SSL VPN solution
    13. Pine: mail and news reader for terminal window
    14. vpnc - client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
    15. busybox with ipv6,iproute,netcat,ping,ping6,telnet,traceroute and wget
    16. rsync
    17. wget
    18. tnftp (lukemftp)
    19. Wireless Tools
    20. Nmap, the port scanner
    21. Enhanced CTorrent
    22. OLSRd
    23. Privoxy
    24. thttpd
    25. thttpd-util
    26. gpsd
    27. gpsd-clients
    28. sqllite
    29. GNU Screen
    30. pysqlite2
  12. Kernel Images
    1. Linux Nokia770-26 + IPv6 + NFS v3 client support
  13. Programming
    1. Python
    2. SmallBASIC
    3. Guile Scheme
  14. System Tools
    1. Maemo Process Viewer
    2. Task Manager
  15. Office Applications
    1. Gnumeric Spreadsheet
    2. MaemoTeX
    3. MaemoTtH
    4. Grisbi
  16. Other sources and repositories
    1. Maemo Garage
    2. Maemo Apps
    3. Application Manager Repositories
    4. A full list of all known ApplicationRepositories has its own page.

Page française du catalogue d'application pour Maemo 2.0: A continuer de traduire... Merci! Version Anglaise: pour tout rajout futur.

Bienvenue, même si est une forum orienté developpeur, cette page est dédié aux applications suffisement avancées pour être utilisable par tous. Si vous trouvez une application ici ne fonctionnant pas encore, merci de la déplacer sur ApplicationCatalog2006Wip (Work in Progress)

Lorsque vous ajoutez un programme à cette liste : 'Vérifiez qu'il simple d'installation/utilisation'. Aussi, n'oubliez pas d'être le plus précis possible quant à l'installation/utilisation, ou autres libraries nécessaire au fonctionnement. De plus, essayer d'utiliser une des sections listées dans UserSections présent dans le champ Section de votre debian/control file.

'Les applications présentes sur cette page sont compatible Maemo 2.0 et utilisables avec Internet tablet OS Edition 2006. Ces applications NE FONCTIONNERONT PAS sur les machines equipées de Internet Tablet OS Edition 2005. Si vous n'avez pas encore mis à jour votre machine, regardez donc ApplicationCatalog.'

Un grand nombre des applications affichées ici peuvent être installées à partir d'une des repositories listées dans ApplicationRepositories. C'est souvent le meilleur moyen pour installer une application, pour les raisons suivantes : Vous aurez la version la plus récent (et le systeme sera capable de vérifier les mises à jour automatiquement), tout en cherchant les librairies dépendantes.

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MoinMoinWiki Macro: TableOfContents


GPE PIM Application Suite For Maemo

PIM suite includes

  • gpe-calendar (multiple views, import/export of iCal, support for categories)
  • gpe-contacts (full addressbook with postal address, telephone numbers and customizable fields, support for categories)
  • gpe-todo list (with priorities, due-dates, support for categories)
  • gpe-timesheet (task time tracker)

Dates: Electronic Calendar

Dates is a small, lightweight calendar that shares data with GNOME Evolution. Dates features an innovative, unified, zooming view and is designed for use on hand-held devices, such as the Nokia 770 or the Sharp Zaurus series of PDAs.

DejaDesktop for Maemo

The website says OS 2006 is not supported at all, so this application is misplaced in this catalog.

However, on the download page ( there is a note that says: "Runs with Tablet OS 2006". What's the real deal on this?

I installed a version from the web page for OS 2006. It seems to work fine. I cant test syncing though.


Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus. It is free software (GNU GPL) and runs on Linux (recent distributions) and other GTK+/Gnome platforms. It is similar to Microsoft Windows Journal or to other alternatives such as Jarnal and Gournal.


Leafpad is a simple GTK+ text editor that emphasizes simplicity. As development focuses on keeping weight down to a minimum, only the most essential features are implemented in the editor. Leafpad is simple to use, is easily compiled, requires few libraries, and starts up quickly.

Maemopad+: Sketching and notes app

Maemopad+ Tree-based notes and sketching application, a'la Treepad. Memo leafs are loaded on activation and saved to a sqlite database. Maemopad+ is not a port, it is designed and optimised specifically for the Maemo platform.


Evince Document Viewer

Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats. It currently supports pdf, postscript, djvu, tiff and dvi. The goal of evince is to replace the multiple document viewers that exist on the GNOME Desktop with a single simple application.

FBReader: e-book reader

FBreader is a e-book reader originally written for Zaurus platform. Supported formats are: * FB2 -- a XML-based format popular in Russia * plain text * html * plucker * some other formats (AportisDoc, zTXT, ... -- please see home page for details).

Maemo GAIM: Instant Messenger

Install requires the following repositories

maemo-gaim package no longer includes support for protocols, these need to be installed separately. they should be listed under "Protocols".

Gaim is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. It is compatible with AIM and ICQ (Oscar protocol), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Lotus Sametime, and Zephyr networks.

Free42: HP 42S RPN Calculator Emulator

This is a port of Free42, a HP 42S emulator

This program provides a complete re-implementation of this RPN programmable calculator. So it does't need any ROM images to work.

Maemo Mapper

There is also a modified version of Maemo-Mapper that supports two sets of URI/Cache settings (useful to alternate between street-maps and satellite-images) and has the option to operate (= stay connected to the GPS to record the track) with a closed device cover (useful for outdoor activities in rough environments such as hiking, running, cycling,..). It can be found here:

Osso Xterm

Osso Xterm (advanced)

Be sure to follow the instructions under it2006/mistral, not maemo 1.1.

This is a little hack against the osso-xterm from It adds font and color selection support and url opening through context menu.

SDict Viewer

A dictionary application for Maemo and other platforms where Python/PyGTK are available. Various dictionary databases in many languages are available at

WhiteStork dictionary

WhiteStork is multilingual dictionary enabling its users to use many dictionary formats. Its dedicated platform is Nokia 770 tablet. Our final goal is to use many search engines so that different file formats could be used. read more...


A simple boot-time menu that let's you select whether to boot the OS from internal flash or from the MMC. It requires the initfs described on the BootMenu page.

  • Home Page: BootMenu
  • Version: 2
  • Repository: Garage Repository


Puchi is a program that creates a color variation (new theme) based on existing theme on the device. It will colorize this theme according to user settings. First version had dependency problems, sorry! Please use this one instead.

Bluetooth xfer (OBEX OPUSH send and receive)

A simple Bluetooth xfer utility for doing send and receive of files from and to bluetooth devices supporting OBEX OPUSH profile.



Port of Granule flashcards program.

granule is a Leitner flashcards program with built-in methodology for learning new words effectively. Debian package and dependencies:

Some useful keybinding:

  • Scroll_Down to Space
  • Zoom_Out(-) to Left_Arrow
  • Zoom_In(+) to Right_Arrow

Please, read the manual before asking any questions.

Report all bugs/suggestions to Bugzilla

Statusbar and home applets

Bluetooth plugin

A Maemo statusbar plugin that allows you to connect Bluetooth keyboards and GPS modules to the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. * Warning: This app still causes reboots, check for details and workarounds.

Clock applet

CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet

CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet with Swapon/off

Armin M. Warda's 'load-applet-aw' is a modified version of Jakub Pavelek's original CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet. It has an additional configuration parameter 'swap device' and can swapon and swapoff the swap device. Probably this is only useful for those of us who still use a swap partition instead of a swap file, because a swap file is automagically swappon/off'ed by ITOS2006 if you configure it through the Control Panel. Note: you have to edit /etc/sudoers to enable swapon/off through this applet.

CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet with run command

John Costigan's 'load-applet-run' is a modified version of Jakub Pavelek's original CPU/Mem/Screenshot applet. It can execute and store arbitrary commands. This can also be used for swapon/off.

IpHome homepage-plugin

hildon homepage plugin that shows current IP and TX/RX bytes and errors. Version 0.2 supports cycling through interfaces by tapping the plugin display panel.

GUI bluetooth applications


This is a soft-HID device. A software implementation of a Bluetooth HID Keyboard. This will turn your Nokia770 into a Bluetooth keyboard. More details here.

GUI networking applications


AutoScan is an application designed to explore and to manage your network. Entire subnets can be scanned simultaneously without human intervention. It features OS detection, automatic network discovery, a nessus client, ...

Instructions to install AutoScan * **Install AutoScan.1.00_Pre_maemo.deb ** * Install AutoScan.1.00_Pre_Daemon_Maemo.deb * After installation, reboot your device

VNC Viewer

VNC allows you to log in remotely to an emulated GUI of a remote machine. Read more about it here.

How to use: * Press the Select/Confirm button to turn on and off the text input method window (just like in xterm). * Use the Zoom out (-) button for middle mouse button clicks. * Use the Zoom in (+) button for right mouse button clicks. * Use the Cancel/Close button to send an Esc key. Send other keys by activating the keys menu by clicking on the keyboard button on the toolbar. * Hold down the hardware movement keys to scroll the window. * The other hardware buttons operate similar to how they operate in xterm. * Turn on/off the toolbar from the View menu. * It is possible to double-click, but it might require a little practice/multiple attempts.

Note: it does not work with some VNC servers, such as vino which is used in many GNOME desktops by default.

VNC server

How to use: * Select the x11vnc item from the Extras menu to start, and again to stop. * Read the README on the port page for more information.


IT2006 build of the cross-compile of the existing rdesktop app. Lacks text input, zooming, full screen/small screen switching etc. Development is on hold due to time constraints.


Nicotine is a client for the Soulseek p2p protocol.

Bloglines 770: RSS reader

Bloglines 770 is a lightweight RSS reader that uses Bloglines' Sync API. You can read your RSS off-line and get synchronized with Bloglines.

A C bloglines' shared-lib is included so that you can create new bloglines apps.


Maemo 2.x / IT2006 porting of Grsync, a GUI for rsync (which can be obtained from this Application Catalog).


TapiocaUI is a GoogleTalk client with VoIP and Instant messaging capabilities, with a simple user interface. It can be installed on the device without any conflict with the product's built-in Gtalk client.

Minimo/Mozilla Web Browser

MiniMo (Mini Mozilla) Web browser is a slimmed down version of mozilla browser aiming resource reduced devices. It runs the same engine as Firefox 1.5.x, and works for most site opera does not :). It is better installable via maEmo (Nokia 770) Application Manager.


Media Streamer

Media Streamer is a UPnP AV control point/player for Nokia 770 Internet Tablet.
Features: - Browse UPnP media server contents
- Easy playlist management
- Control media (audio, video, images) streaming between home UPnP AV devices
- Stream music from UPnP AV media servers to Media Streamer
- View images shared by your UPnP AV media servers with Media Streamer (from version 1.1-2)


Glurp is a Music Player Daemon client. It supports key bindings and full screen mode of operation. See ApplicationRepositories for an App Installer-compatible APT source. Feature requests and bugs in the port may be addressed to AndrewBarr.

Requires libglade available from free section.


Note: If you’re using NFlick 0.1 please uninstall the package before installing the new version. There were some packaging changes and a simple upgrade won’t work.

NFlick is an application to quickly browse your flickr photo collection from N770.

Ogg Vorbis Player

A player for music files in Ogg Vorbis format. More features to come...


PLCreator finds mp3 files on your 770 and creates a playlist for them.

Tuner Tool

Tuner Tool is an artifact to tune instruments with Nokia 770.

*Author: Josep Torra a.k.a ArthurDentN770
*Status: stable
*Download Binary:
*Download Source:

Streamtuner (maemo port)

A GUI audio stream directory browser and player (actually using mplayer package).
It offers an intuitive and unified interface to various streaming directories through the use of a C and soon Python plugin system.
NEW : since build 8 you can manage your local music collection, with full support for ID3 and Vorbis metadata editing.
Streamtuner (maemo port) has been carefully adapted to fit Nokia 770 as well as possible.
Language supported : english, french, german, italian, portuguese and potentialy hungarian and japanese.

Maemo Recorder

A simple media recorder utility for Maemo platform. WAVs can now saved as .wav. Added mime type for wav


A port of MPlayer (a popular video player for linux) to IT OS2006. It is a console video player which should be run from XTerminal, but a simple GUI frontend is also included in maemo package, which shows videos found on your RS-MMC card in a list and allows to easily select any of them to play. This port is aimed at providing the best video playback performance for Nokia 770 and support for many codecs and multimedia file formats. MPlayer is currently best at playing videos converted to 400x224 (16:9), 320x240 (4:3) or 400x240 (15:9) resolution as it is able to use hardware pixel doubling in this case. MPlayer can easily play such videos at full fps (24 or 30) and relatively high bitrate (~400kbps). Both Konttori Media Convertor and script have presets for converting video optimized for MPlayer, you can find them at VideoEncoding page.



A Gweled clone for Maemo.

Blitzkrieg Onslaught

A tank artillery game similar to the classic scorched earth (or other open source clones such as Xscorch and Atanks). This game was designed for the 770 from the ground up and thus works quite well on it. Features include: * Destructible, collapsing terrain * Currently 19 large, cunning and fairly painful weapons such as death heads, hot napalm and dirt balls. * A computer AI that is clever to the point that it will be made far dumber in the next version. * Turn based multilayer for up to 10 players. * Lots of flashy colours, movement and fun that should keep you giggling in uncharitable schadenfreude towards the charred remains of your friends tanks for hours.

Contributions, comments and criticism (forgive the alliteration) can be sent to cmoore at

Chaos Strikes Back

  • Direct Download link
  • Dungeon Master Data File
  • Chaos Strikes Back Data File
  • Repository: (n/a)
  • Distribution: (n/a)
  • Component: (n/a)
  • Source Code: (n/a)
  • Screenshot: (n/a)
  • Port Author: Martin Jenkins

Chaos Strikes Back is a Maemo port of the debian build ( or the linux port of the windows remake ( of the fantastic Atari/Amiga game Dungeon Master.

As well as running the original data files from Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back, there are other dungeons created by a large user community.

Installation instruction:

Install the Chaos Strikes Back game, and one or both of the data files. The DM file is the Dungeon Master one, and the Chaos Strikes Back is the sequel.

Enjoy. I am.


Simple Rush-hour based game with 12 levels.

Crimson Fields

A tactical game in the style of Battle Isle.

Descent II: First Person 3D Shoot'em up

Descent is (with Doom) one of the historic break-trought in the 3d shoot'em up panorama. You have to own the original CD or download from the internet the shareware version to use it. See below for the installation instructions.

Installation instruction:

  • Prerequites: A memory card with sufficent space :)

  • Install the package normally (Important: The 770 must be disconnected from the PC during this phase).

  • Copy the levels files into the d2x directory of your memory card.

Look in the install.txt in the d2x directory of your memory card for details.

  • Copy the file Nokia770.plr to .plr. Be aware that when you upgrade or re-install d2x the Nokia770.plr file will be overwritten. Use this file only as template to make new pilots files.

    Have fun. Sergio


This is the demo version of doom 1. If you have the full doom1, you can copy your .wad to the device and play the full game. The multiplayer feature is implemented and you can also play against a pc-scratchbox game. This port was done using the lxdoom, that was derived from sdlDoom.


An interpreter for all Infocom games and other Z-machine games.


Author*: Luca De Cicco (ldecicco at gmail dot com)
* **Home Page
* **Direct Download link **:
* Screenshot:
* Repository: (n/a) * Distribution: (n/a) * Component: (n/a)

The popular math puzzle. This version supports puzzle load/save (xml format) and random puzzle generation through sudoku-sensei (


Simple port of the original IceBreaker game.


Jooleem is a simple yet extremely addictive puzzle game.

La Pulga

This little game was born in the Sinclair ZX81 times and now I have rewritten it for PDAs devices. It is an experimental job and there are not many features you'd find in commercial games, like spectacular special effects and so on, but it is a very funny and addictive game.


Linéo is a strategy game with a simple goal : align 4 pieces with at least one common resemblence. But, be careful, it's not you, but your challenger, who choses the piece you'll have to put on the board...


Simple Solitaire like game. Based on Drac.


Simple mine sweeper clone. simple fun =)


NetHack is a roguelike computer game originally released in 1987. It is an evolution of an earlier game called Hack (1985) which was itself an evolution of Rogue (1980). The name NetHack references the fact that its development has been coordinated through the Internet, though it is not a multiplayer game, nor is it in any way connected with computer-security related usages of the word hacking. The "hack" element refers to a genre of role-playing games known as hack and slash for their focus on combat.


Improved versions done by:
Author*: Josep Torra a.k.a ArthurDentN770
***Status**: Ported and GUI improvements
***Download Binary IT2006**:
***Download Source**:
In order to build the game you will need **nethack-343-src.tgz
file from

Initial Work done by:
*Author: Ralf Engels
*Status: Ported
*Dependencies: none


Pipepanic is a pipe connecting game. Connect as many different shaped pipes together as possible within the time given.


Powermanga is an arcade 2D shoot-em-up game with 41 levels and more than 200 sprites.

Installation instruction:

  • Prerequites: A memory card with sufficent space (aprox 14 Mb)

  • Install the package normally (Important: The 770 must be disconnected from the PC during this phase).

  • Copy the content of the file in the powermanga directory of your memory card

Update: This third version corrects last bugs i found. Let me know if you find more.

Have fun.



ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!



Still yet another Sokoban.


SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games. This update allows to play the game using the 770 upside down allowing to use the control with the right hand.

Installation instruction:

  • Prerequites: A memory card with sufficent space (aprox 8 Mb)

  • Install the package normally (Important: The 770 must be disconnected from the PC during this phase).

  • Copy the content of the file in the supertux directory of your memory card

    Have fun.



TuxPaint is a drawing program for young children.


  • not hildonized, so pressing the hardware "Home" button sends tuxpaint to the background (you must sigkill it or reset the 770)

  • text tools not working


Simple TuxPuck port.


  • Home Page:
  • Status: Deb available, tested and working on IT2006 beta firmware (1.2006.26-8).
  • Repository: (n/a)
  • Distribution: (n/a)
  • Component: (n/a)
  • Screenshots: Click to see

A nice puzzle game with different tile sets, sound and highscore table.


"Vectoroids" is a clone of the classic arcade game "Asteroids" by Atari.


Xbill Maemo

Freeciv for Maemo

Hedgehopper demo

2 D sidescrolling platform-game made for 770!

Known issues: - do not press powerkey or homekey during gameplay, this may cause a state where device needs to be rebooted!


12pt & 14pt Themes for OS 2006

Just copied, modified (just made all fonts smaller) and repacked skins from the original OS 2006! Simply download, install and select in the Thememanager.

Command Line tools

These applications here are not for novices! These applications require or provide command line access (such as xterm or ssh). However, if you are used to Linux shell, these can make your 770 a pocketable Linux toolkit.


Basic package, still some work to be done. Test and report.

Here's a report: vim works, but has no runtime files (so, no syntax highlight). It also tries to look for the runtime files in /home/maddler/vim_sbox//share/vim/. The binaries are installed in /bin rather than in /usr/bin, and also there's a strange non-FHS directory /man.

By the way, a basic vi comes with the OS (the busybox package).

Midnight Commander

Rebuilt and repackaged. Now everything should be ok.

Quirk: apt sometimes thinks the package is called 'MidnightCommander', and sometimes that it is called 'midnightcommander'. If you put it into some repository and install it, the application manager will think that MidnightCommander is still not installed, while a different package called midnightcommander is installed, but is not available from any of the repositories.

Bash: GNU Bourne-Again Shell

Bash, the GNU Bourne-Again Shell, is a POSIX compliant but souped-up Bourne shell (UNIX command interpreter), with features missing from the Busybox shell such as command history substitution. This package is called bash-m because Busybox has an unnecessary listed conflict with "bash". Depends on libncurses5 and ncurses-base (from


The manual pages states: bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. For me, bc simply is the best line-oriented calculator tool.

The Daily Pluck

The daily pluck is a python command line program that takes a list of RSS feeds and produces a single Plucker format "eNewsPaper" suitble for reading with FBReader.

findutils (find, xargs)

Full-featured version of 'find' and 'xargs' to replace the feature-reduced busybox find and xargs (e.g. supports case-insensitive find, '-iname'). The 'postinst' script removes the links from 'find' and 'xargs' to busybox, and the 'prerm' script creates the links from 'find' and 'xargs' to busybox.


Requires: need root privileges to work and X Terminal Emulator (osso-xterm) with small fonts (max 14pt on full screen) For OS2006 also install ncurses-base (from Maemo Repository). Logs stored on MMC card (/media/mmc1/btscanner/)

Simple, console based tool designed specifically to extract as much information as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement to pair. This is cross-compiled and packaged version of debian unstable packages.

Bluetooth port scanning suite

Bt_Audit is a Bluetooth port scanning suite.

Bluetooth OBEX server

OBEX push/pull and ftp (folder listing, etc...) server. It allows you to send, receive and browse the files on your 770 from your desktop. Also if you install the desktop version (for the Linux people) you can browse and download files on your desktop from your 770 (just tell the 770 your desktop is a phone and you will be able to browse it via the builtin filemanager).

Less: reversible text file viewer

Less is like More but better: it can go backward in the file, it can show your line number, it can emulate tail -f, and many more useful features. Depends on libncurses5 and ncurses-base (from


live-f1 is a native Linux client for viewing the official Formula-1 "Live Timing" stream. I just cross-compiled and packaged. For proper visualization you'll need set the font size to 12pt (xterm menu>view>font-size>12pt), set full screen and hide on-screen keboard just after lauch command. Remember that you need a account ( ).

Requires: xterm, libncurses and ncurses-base, available from the maemo repository (but installable only from the command line with apt-get, and then only from a root shell) or from here:

Joe's Own Editor (joe)

Joe is a full featured terminal-based editor.


A faster way to get root access on Nokia 770 (and no need for R&D mode). As long as you keep installed this packages, you can become a root (in xterm session):

 $ sudo su -

WARNING: This packages could brick the device (by touching /etc/sudoers file). DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

For an alternative, see HowDoiBecomeRoot2


Close the plot window if you want to plot a second graph. Do not minimize it, because the window will not come to the foreground again. If you minimized it use 'killall gnuplot_x11' to close the plot window. Thanks to Armin Warda for hosting.


Octave is more useful together with Gnuplot. Thanks to Armin Warda for hosting.


Archiver for .zip files. Port of InfoZIP's zip program.


De-archiver for .zip files. Port of InfoZIP's unzip program.


Simple directory 'tree view' utility.

pwgen : generation of pronounceable passwords

Rebuilt and repackaged. Simple, straightforward port.

After installation, the pwgen command can be launched using an xterm. For the commandline options, check pwgen --help.


Nano, the tiny text editor. Simple recompile from Debian stable.

If you get the Error "Error opening terminal: xterm." you need to install the package "ncurses-base" via

 sudo gainroot
 apt-get install ncurses-base

Command line Networking tools


Wireless network sniffer and password cracker.

(*): airmon-ng is not working, further investigation needed. Note also that airodump-ng will report non existant APs/ESSIDs and garbage. Not sure if the problem is with aircrack itself, or with wlan drivers.


The dsniff 'sniffer' package we all love :)

Dropbear SSH Server and Client

Warning: Dropbear ssh server allows logging remotely in as root, and the default root password is trivial to guess for hackers. Change root password if you intend to use this package. For infos on how to change/disable root access:

IRSSI IRC client

First build, test and verify.


Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.

Requires: xterm, root access, probably ncurses-base
Usage: install package, in xterm as root simple type: kismet
Logs stored on mmc card (/media/mmc1/kismet)


The doorman daemon "guards the door" of a host, admitting only recognized parties. It allows a server which is not intended for general public access to run with all of its TCP ports closed to the outside world. A matching knock-utility is provided, with which to persuade the doorman to open the door a crack, just wide enough for a single TCP connection from a single IP address.

Links terminal www browser

Links is a terminal based www browser. Great for browsing on expensive GPRS links when you done need graphics. This is a quick (configure / make) port - the zip file contains the binary only (no deb). I copied it to /bin using xterm.

Ntpdate: set clock from a NTP server

Ntpdate sets your clock once from the NTP server on other machine(s). Depends on libelfg0 (from There is an accompanying daemon (package ntp-simple) to keep the clock closely synchronized, but on Mistral (and v1.1) it exits with no obvious diagnostic messages. I suspect the kernel may lack the needed API. The "ntp" package containing ntpq is also available.



socat the Multipurpose relay

OpenSSH Server and client

Installation in xterm with root :

 sudo gainroot
 apt-get install ssh

Installation in application manager with Red Pill mode (much easier than gaining root) : 1 . Follow instructions to activate Red Pill mode 1 . Download and install the deb package from the maemo repository or add the repository and install from the package list, which will contain many more packages than in blue pill mode. 1 . You can safely go back to blue pill mode once installation is complete, if you wish

I (the author) haven't tested the Red Pill instructions, short of verifying that in Red Pill mode, the application manager no longer refuses to install the ssh package. I would assume that anybody looking to install ssh is probably proficient enough to test these instructions and refine them if necessary. If you successfully install the package using the instructions, please take the time to delete this paragraph.

OpenVPN: SSL VPN solution

OpenVPN needs root permissions. Authentication with pam and lzo compression support are currently disabled so that OpenVPN package would not need any additional dependencies.

Updated with -o0 (no more errors on certificates) and no more maemo dependency. So it should work (it works for me, using my Maemo-1.x configuration.) Remember that /var/lib/install is gone, so its /etc/openvpn now. And /etc/default/openvpn holds startup information.

Update (Adi Roiban) - you can get liblzo1 from repository and openvpn with lzo support from here

Pine: mail and news reader for terminal window

Pine is a mail and news reader using ncurses (text mode) in an xterm. It can do IMAP, POP, outgoing SMTP, and all their SSL/TLS variants. In jimc's opinion, Pine is much preferable to the provided GUI mail reader (hacked Sylpheed). Depends on mime-support, libncurses5 and ncurses-base (from

Only one problem: mail that you send is from "user". Thanks to Michiel Toneman for a URL that details the little-known Pine config variables for sending mail as yourself:

An alternative is to replace "user" with your own loginID on the tablet. See how I did it here: (not for the faint of heart :-)

Also available: Pilot, a file manager similar to what Pine uses internally.

vpnc - client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrator

vpnc is a VPN client compatible with cisco3000 VPN Concentrator (also known as Cisco's EasyVPN equipment). vpnc runs entirely in userspace and does not require kernel modules except of the tun driver to communicate with the network layer.

busybox with ipv6,iproute,netcat,ping,ping6,telnet,traceroute and wget

  • Status: Working
  • Version: 1.01-4.osso10-ipv6.etc1
  • Port Download:
  • Port Contact: Ville Reijonen - vilre (at) cs tut fi
  • Repository: (n/a)
  • Distribution: (n/a)
  • Component: (n/a)
  • Port contact: This is replacement for OS2006 busybox. Install from xterm "dpkg -i " as root. Additional to orginal: IPv6 is enabled and support for iproute, nc (netcat), ping, ping6, telnet, traceroute and wget is also compiled in. For ipv6 to work you also need to flash the device with kernel-image supporting IPv6 (such as image in Kernel Images -category below).



Wget is an utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web.

tnftp (lukemftp)

tnftp is a port of the NetBSD FTP command line client. tnftp was formerly known as lukemftp, it was renamed to tnftp by Luke Mewburn in February 2003. The executable is called ftp.

Wireless Tools

Nmap, the port scanner

Need root access to fully utilize it.

Enhanced CTorrent

CTorrent is a linux console BitTorrent client implemented in C++ to be lightweight and quick. Requires X Terminal Emulator.


The OLSR daemon.


Privoxy is a versatile proxy gateway; used to filter ads, popups, and other trash encountered during browsing.


thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server.


Support utilites for the thttpd web server (ssi, redirect, etc.).


GPS (Global Positioning System) service daemon

gpsd is a userland daemon acting as a liaison between a GPS or Loran-C receiver and clients. The receiver is expected to generate position information as NMEA-0183 sentences, or Rockwell binary format, although that can be changed.



Provides both libsqlite3 and the sqlite3 client.

GNU Screen

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells. * Home Page : * Repository: mistral user


Pysqlite is a Python DB-API 2.0 interface for the SQLite embedded relational database engine.

Kernel Images

Linux Nokia770-26 + IPv6 + NFS v3 client support

This is replacement for OS2006 kernel. Additional to orginal: IPv6 support is compiled in and so is NFS v3 client. Flash with "flasher-2.0 -k -f -R".



Python is the best supported language, with bindings for almost every library available on maemo: GTK, Hildon, GStreamer, Bluetooth (bluez), SDL (pygame), Numeric and DBus.


Allows you to write programs directly on your 770.

SmallBASIC is designed to be a simple, lightweight programming environment for experimentation, featuring strong mathematical and high level graphics commands.

Guile Scheme

Guile is the GNU Project's Scheme interpreter. The currently available package for IT2006 contains the core Guile library, modules and interpreter; packages for SLIB, G-Wrap and Maemo platform bindings are in the works.

System Tools

Maemo Process Viewer

Maemo proces viewer displays whole list of running processes on your tablet, with the memory used for this application. A graphic can also be drawn, showing the variation of memory usage with time.

Task Manager

Display information about user processes, like CPU and memory usage, also allows you to kill desired processes.

Office Applications

Gnumeric Spreadsheet

The Gnumeric spreadsheet is part of the GNOME desktop environment. The goal of Gnumeric is to be the best possible spreadsheet. We are not attempting to clone existing applications. However, Gnumeric can read files saved with other spreadsheets and we offer a customizable feel that attempts to minimize the costs of transition.


and happy TeXing ;-)


A port of tth to the 2006 software environment. Use it at the commandline by invoking the command: tth < example.tex > examle.html


Grisbi is a personnal accounting application running under GNU/Linux and Windows, released under the GPL licence. This is the first version of the Maemo port, with partial hildonization.

Other sources and repositories

Maemo Garage

Maemo's own *forge. A good starting point to share and search for applications, both for OS2005 and OS2006.

To use the Maemo Garage's Application Repository, see its entry in the ApplicationRepositories page.

Maemo Apps

Another (good) site from the creators of kde-apps, kde-look, gnome-apps family.

Application Manager Repositories

A full list of all known ApplicationRepositories has its own page.

CategoryBluetooth CategoryHowToApplications