
pragma section-numbers on

NOTE: The following guide is written for an IT2005 OS. For IT2006 OS see InstallSsh2006.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(prerequisities)


  • Required

  • Recommended

    • root-access, see HowDoiBecomeRoot
    • Needed for changing the passwords and for running the SSH server as root

There are currently two choices for SSH client and server for Nokia 770: Dropbear and OpenSSH (Todo: Explain the differences)

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_main)

Dropbear SSH server

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_installing)


Download dropbear-key and dropbear-server from and install them in that order using the Application installer in the Control panel.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_preparing)


If you don't have a root-access to your device, the only authentication method is to use public key and log in as a normal user. If that is the case, skip to the section Public key authentication.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_passwd)

Password authentication

Before launching the server, it is strongly recommended that you change passwords for user and for root. The more secure way is to disable the root login and if the root is needed, login with user and use sudo gainroot. If you don't change user password, you won't be able to authenticate with password because user's default password is not known. It might be even scrambled so no-one would know it.

Warning: 'If you run server as root and do not disable root login or change root's password, it is a huge security risk and gives possibility for anyone to login into your device as root using default root's password' "rootme". You have been warned.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_passwd_change)

Changing passwords

To change the passwords you need to have a root access to your device. See HowDoiBecomeRoot

Open xterm and become root

$ sudo gainroot
Root shell enabled

BusyBox v1.00 (Debian 2:20041102-11) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. 

Change the user's password

# passwd user
Changing password for user
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.

Change the root's password. Please consider disabling the root login and using instead sudo gainroot.

# passwd root
Changing password for root
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 8 characters)
Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.

Or optionally disable root login. This doesn't disable the ability to use sudo gainroot.

# passwd -l root
Password changed.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_key)

Public key authentication

To connect to SSH server running on Nokia 770 without passwords, you must have a RSA public and a private key. The Dropbear SSH server doesn't seem to accept DSA keys. The public key is stored at the server in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys-file and the private key is stored at the client. Usually in the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

If you have already generated the RSA keypair at your client, you can use those. Just add the public key to the server's authorized_keys-file. To get the public key-file to the Nokia 770, use USB, bluetooth, mail ...

The authorized_keys-file has one key at each line:



base64_encoded_key comment

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_key_create)

Creating RSA keypair

The easiest way to generate RSA keypair is to use the client computer. If you have windows machine, I suggest to use this manual. You can also use other programs like SecureCRT, but some of them creates public key in propietary format, which must be fixed to authorized_keys-format.

Create ssh keys with the client computer

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): **************
Enter same passphrase again: *************
Your identification has been saved in /home/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /home/xxx/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
d0:b9:30:13:f2:81:b5:09:1d:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx xxx@host

Copy the /home/xxx/.ssh/ to the Nokia 770 with USB, bluetooth, email, www-server, etc.. and put it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Change permissions of .ssh-folder and authorized_keys-file, so those are readable only by user

$ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_starting)

Starting server

The Dropbear SSH server can be run either by the regular user or by root. If launched by root, server will listen in port 22 and accept both root and user login. Otherwise it will listen in port 2222 and allow only user login.

If you don't have a root-access to your device, the only choice is to run server as normal user using port 2222 allowing only user to login. You can still use sudo getroot to become root.

Before you start the server, check which user you are currently

$ whoami

That can also be seen from the character which is seen just after the current path and before the edit area of the terminal/console. For normal user it shows "$" and for root it shows "#".

When you are finished with passwords and/or keys, start the server

/var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server start

Depending on which user you started the server with, it prints out for the normal user

I'm beeing run as regular user, I will listen to port 2222
Starting Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.

or for the root just

Starting Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.

You can check that the SSH server is running

$ ps ax | grep dropbear
 209 5 user        584 S   /var/lib/install/usr/sbin/dropbear -d /var/
 286 0 user        360 S   grep dropbear

In the second column is seen that the server is running as a ordinary user.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_stopping)

Stopping server

Stop the SSH server

/var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server stop

Depending on which user you started the server with, it prints out for the normal user

I'm beeing run as regular user, I will listen to port 2222
Stopping Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.

or for the root just

Stopping Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.

Sometimes the script doesn't shut the server down so it should be checked whether the server is still running

$ ps ax | grep dropbear
 302 6 user        584 S   /var/lib/install/usr/sbin/dropbear -d /var/
 302 7 user       1088 S   /var/lib/install/usr/sbin/dropbear -d /var/
 302 9 user        908 S   /var/lib/install/usr/sbin/dropbear -d /var/
 305 7 user        360 S   grep dropbear

As it can be seen, there is actually three Dropbear SSH server-processes still running. To kill them manually

kill 3026
kill 3027
kill 3029

Check again

$ ps ax | grep dropbear
 306 9 user        360 S   grep dropbear

Now they are all gone.

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(dropbear_server_auto)

Starting/stopping server automatically

Become root and create a symlink that will make the Dropbear SSH server to start and stop automatically

 $ sudo gainroot
(output supressed)
 # ln -s /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server /etc/rc2.d/S20dropbear-server

Using SCP

You will need to install dropbear-key, dropbear-server and dropbear-client (yep, that's 3 packages) to be able to scp to your Nokia 770.

Dropbear SSH client


Installing dropbear client is straightforward, install dropbear client package from and start in an xterm /var/lib/install/usr/bin/dbclient

When you get can't connect

When the client reports the error 'connection to ... exited: No auth methods could be used.', you can set 'PasswordAuthentication yes' in the sshd_config on the server you're trying to connect to. For more information, see halfway down this IRC log (around 22:04)

Make sure you log in as user@.

Set up aliases for the ssh and scp clients

This section shows you how to set up aliases to the Dropbear-equivalent ssh, ssh-keygen, and scp clients on your 770 to easily connect to other machines.

Creating scripts locally or via ssh

Open xterm, or connect via ssh into your 770 and become root

$ sudo gainroot
Root shell enabled

BusyBox v1.00 (Debian 2:20041102-11) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. 

Change folder

# cd /usr/bin

Create scripts with echo-command. You can type every character if you like, but the easier way is to copy commands from here and paste them to terminal/console.


# echo '#!/bin/sh' > ssh
# echo '/var/lib/install/usr/bin/dbclient -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa $*' >> ssh


# echo '#!/bin/sh' > scp
# echo '/var/lib/install/usr/bin/scp -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa $*' >> scp


# echo '#!/bin/sh' > ssh-keygen
# echo '/var/lib/install/usr/bin/dropbearkey $*' >> ssh-keygen

Check scripts with cat-command (Optional)

For example ssh:

# cat ssh
/var/lib/install/usr/bin/dbclient -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa $*

Change permissions

# chmod 755 ssh scp ssh-keygen

Leave root

# exit

Creating scripts by using scp (or other file transfer)

On your desktop/development machine (in a temporary working directory), create the following files:


/var/lib/install/usr/bin/dbclient -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa $*


/var/lib/install/usr/bin/scp -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa $*


/var/lib/install/usr/bin/dropbearkey $*

On your desktop, scp those files into your user home directory on the 770

scp ssh scp ssh-keygen user@myipaddress:

SSH into the 770, become root, and, change permissions and copy the files to /usr/bin

cd /usr/home
sudo gainroot
chmod 755 ssh scp ssh-keygen
cp ssh scp ssh-keygen /usr/bin

Leave root

# exit

Generate a dsa-key for outgoing connections

As user, generate a dsa key for outgoing connections

ssh-keygen -t dss -f /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa

The above command will output your public key to the tty, but does not save it. Capture the whole key (up to, but not including, the fingerprint:...) in your desktop's terminal, save it to a file called and scp that file to /usr/home/.ssh/ on your 770 (optional). More importantly, append that key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on any machine you want to ssh into from the 770.

Now, you should be able to open the x-terminal on the 770, and just type ssh and you will be ssh'ed in. Similarly, you can scp file You can turn off the PasswordAuthentication: yes flag in sshd_config that you set in the above step.

A note about keys

The Dropbear ssh daemon seems to only accept RSA keys for incoming ssh connections. However, it can use DSA for outgoing keys, which the example above shows.

Quick How-To Summary

Here's how to easily and quickly set up the SSH daemon:

1 . Download and install the following packages from Index of /n770 in this order: 1 . dropbear-key 2 . dropbear-server 3 . dropbear-client

2 . Gain root access to your device by following the instructions at HowDoiBecomeRoot - Maemo Wiki: sudo gainroot

3 . Lock root account to disable root login through SSH (sudo gainroot continues to work, of course): passwd -l root

4 . Set a (SECURE!) password for your user account so you can login through SSH (by default, the user account has no password and is locked): passwd user

5 . Start the SSH daemon manually: /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server start

6 . Automatically start SSH at device startup (optional - only do this after making sure it works properly): ln -s /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server /etc/rc2.d/S20dropbear-server

MoinMoinWiki Macro: Anchor(OpenSSH)

OpenSSH SSH client and server

There can be only one SSH server listening to the default port, so if you've set up Dropbear SSH to be autostarted as root before, you'll have to disable its autostart and shut it down. If Dropbear is running as user and bound to a port other than 22, both could be run simultaneously, but that might be too taxing for the Nokia 770's limited resources. It's better to run only one SSH server, so before installing OpenSSH server, it's best to remove Dropbear:

Remove Dropbear ssh server

1 . Switch to Root: sudo gainroot 2 . Stop Dropbear server: /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server stop 3 . Remove autostart link: rm /etc/rc2.d/S20dropbear-server

Install OpenSSH SSH client and server

1 . Download the package openssh and install it. for 2006 Edition package and instructions 2 . Switch to Root: sudo gainroot 3 . For security reasons, lock root account (passwd -l root) and set password (passwd user), or use public key authentication. 4 . Set up OpenSSH: /var/lib/install/sbin/ 5 . Start OpenSSH server: /etc/init.d/sshd start