
Installing an SSH server & client on the Nokia 770 (OS2006 edition)

If your device still has the IT2005 OS, read InstallSsh instead.

There are two SSH servers available for the 770: openssh and dropbear.

Installing OpenSSH

1 . Add the following repository in the application manager: mistral free non-free

2 . Install xterm

3 . Get root access (install becomeroot, or enable r&d mode with the flasher)

4 . Open a root shell in the xterm (sudo su if you've used becomeroot; sudo gainroot if you've enabled r&d mode)

5 . Type 'apt-get install ssh'

    There is an alternative to steps 3--5: enable the
    ApplicationManagerRedPillMode, and then you should be able to install
    ssh directly from the GUI.  I haven't personally tried it.

Now you should be able to ssh into your 770 as root with the following command

   ssh root@  # replace with the real IP address
   Password: rootme

I strongly recommend that you change the root password ('passwd root' in a root shell) to something that's harder to guess. Alternatively, you can disable root logins altogether with 'passwd -l root'.

Now, you probably want to ssh into the regular user account. You can use either password authentication, or public key authentication. For password authentication, type 'passwd user' in the xterm, type your new password (twice). Now you can ssh into your 770 with

   ssh user@  # replace with the real IP address

For pubkey authentication, generate a pair of keys with ssh-keygen, then copy the public key ( or, depending on the key type) into your 770 and rename it to /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys. A full description of the pubkey authentication is beyond the scope of this article.

Installing dropbear

Somebody who uses it will have to step up and write this section.