Council logs for meeting on September 21st, 2012
Meeting held on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Attending: Woody14619, Ivgalvez, SD69
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- Elections
- Bylaws updates
- Legal status and paperwork
- Back-burner items and path forward
- Misc topics
Topic 1 (Elections)
- Elections for CC are underway, all looks to be working well.
- Banners were posted on TMO by Reggie for CC Election and Council Elections.
- Ivan suggests Woody14619 do a thread/wiki page about the voting system.
- The ML moderation is not happening, need to check X-Fade on that.
Topic 2 (Update on bylaws)
- Updates from Woody and TMO are posted in TMO.
- We should do at least one more round, using blog/ML, etc.
Topic 3 (Legal status, paperwork)
- Hildon Foundation paperwork is in, we now exist (or will very soon).
- Next steps include setting up a bank account, negotiating contracts.
- Ivan suggests we use the donation policy from Mer.
Topic 4 (Path forward)
- Discussion about the next steps for the Foundation and Council.
- The suggestion of creating a to-do list to hand to both next cycle is made.
- One Council member suggested that the community and potential nominees don't know the status of Reggie's reluctance to transfer TMO, and that the status should be made public before the election nomination period closes. The majority felt it was not prudent to disclose it announce it publicly, but instead to inform nominees directly.
- The suggestion of creating a "things candidates should know" list is made.
Topic 5 (Misc/reminders)
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