Community Awards: final results
Final results for Community Awards have been published.
Congratulations to all winners!
There is a final result, please check the Wiki list.
In order to receive the prize, it's mandatory that all awarded create an account at Nokia Developers. Once created, you need to add your postal information to your profile (otherwise Nokia won't know where to send the device).
Then we need to know your Nokia Developer ID (the login name at Nokia Developers that you have created). All the winners will receive a notification email, please respond to including the following data:
- Full name
- ID at Nokia Developers
- email address.
Please send this data before next Monday, June 25th, as we need to provide the full list to Nokia to start sending the devices.
Thanks to everyone for participating and for your contributions to We will need you more than ever in the following months, please keep your level of involvement with the community.
Great work culling the list, Council! Those are some good finalists!
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