Community distribution of Maemo, and other updates


A recent comment on bugzilla by Marius Vollmer got me fired up on an idea jott has tossed around in the past. An osso-software-version-community—a community distribution of Maemo. A community distribution lets us do a lot of cool things that working within the limits of Nokia's setup does not. It'll allow us to ship an OS that isn't so... [More]

posted on 2008-10-02 13:14 UTC by Ryan Abel. 0 comments.

A minor update


I haven't been very productive lately. My two projects are blocked by missing people (karsten and jott, where are you hiding?). Need to harass the rest of the Council about blogging and finishing up everything on our wiki page, but I'm sure they're busy (as am I). We did restart discussion on the categories issue, which is ongoing, if yo... [More]

posted on 2008-10-22 06:45 UTC by Ryan Abel. 0 comments.

Package categories, Application Manager, and other developments


Harassment of package maintainers is still ongoing, but the responses so far have been quite good (no negative responses, yet, but more than a few non-responders which could be taken a few ways). A few packages have already been updated with section fixes, and I even managed to get a positive response from Boingo (thanks Marcell)! The pa... [More]

posted on 2008-10-27 00:49 UTC by Ryan Abel. 0 comments.

Killing the Midgard wiki


Just a heads up, there are only 6 days remaining until the Midgard wiki dies for good, so if there are any other pages you'd like to have moved or redirected, please list them. Otherwise, they'll all be gone after November 4th, 2008.... [More]

posted on 2008-10-29 11:36 UTC by Ryan Abel. 3 comments.
