2015-03-31 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held 2015-03-31 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)
Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Oksana Tkachenko (Oksana/Wikiwide),
Rüdiger Schiller (chem|st), Gido Griese (Win7Mac),
Falk Stern (warfare/fstern), Ivaylo Dimitrov (freemangordon),
William McBee (gerbick), Alexander Kozhevnikov (MentalistTraceur), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen),
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
- eV: bank account and GA
Topic (eV: bank account and GA):
- juiceme was sent a wad of documents that juiceme signed and sent back to DB in paper format.
- juiceme sent fiscal statement of MCeV - it's incorporated in the GA meeting minutes which will get published later (the draft is being written by Win7Mac currently; as court-official document, it will need to include real names, for e.V. members at least?).
- warfare has changed the board alias to juiceme, chem|st and warfare, according to results of GA election of Board.
Action Items:
- -- old items:
- The selected Code of Conduct (KDE) still needs to be published on (T)MO.
- Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
- Contacting freemangordon and merlin1991 about auto-builder: CSSU-thumb target, GCC versions?
- Getting maemo trademark registration (everywhere?) renewed (and transferred to MCeV) by the end of February (or within six months since expiry date).
- archiving Ovi/Nokia store, especially for Harmattan.
- -- new items:
- Someone needed to contact Facebook and to gain administrator rights for Nokia N900 Facebook application, so we can enable the new graph Facebook API.
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