2015-03-10 Meeting Minutes

2015-03-17 00:41 UTC by Oksana Tkachenko

Meeting held 2015-03-10 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

William McBee (gerbick), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Alexander Kozhevnikov (MentalistTraceur),

Martin Kolman (M4rtinK),

Partial: Oksana Tkachenko (Oksana/Wikiwide), Philippe Coval (RzR),
Rüdiger Schiller (chem|st),

Absent: Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen),

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Election system
  • eV: bank account
  • gitorious shutdown
  • competition prizes
  • freenode general contact

Topic (Election system):

  • MentalistTraceur hasn't looked into the PHP code for elections, yet.
  • juiceme has done the change in authentication required for personal voting links to work, and also added the personal voting link to the email template.
    The tag is replaced immediately with the ID of the election that the admin is creating, and stored in the mail template when it is saved.
    The line becomes for example "http://maemo.org/vote/?election_link=41&email=&token=" when it is saved.
    Then, when the mails are generated from the tempate, the tags and are replaced...
    Also, in the vote.php juiceme added logic to take into use the posted email and token if the url contains the key "election_link". Otherwise it forwards user to the first panel where the email and token are entered separately.
    juiceme has tested it; it works as juiceme meant it to. What juiceme *may* have there is bugs which could affect login, so that it could be possible to bypass the first panel, maybe? You are welcome to take a look at the the PHP code for elections and check it for bugs.

Topic (eV: bank account):

  • Chemist has reported that the bank acount setup is progressing; slowly but all should be in order. There was a bill from iphh that juiceme believes Win7Mac paid.

Topic (gitorious shutdown):

  • Invite developers to migrate to notabug or github, or bitbucket...
  • The backup of gitorious repos - related to maemo community - has been completed, onto the maemo.org servers....

Topic (competition prizes):

  • Juiceme has got 2 extra N9's that juiceme has thought to donate to competition prizes. They are 16G devices, one pink and one blue.
  • If there's a need, gerbick probably could donate black 16gb one. Made in Finland, et al.
  • Wikiwide could donate blue 16GB N9... but currently, it has no SIM tray inside it. Will get it in working-phone condition, first...

Topic (freenode general contact):

  • chemist: freenode GC is now updated; warfare, juiceme and chemist are set up for cloak and channel management
  • juiceme requested cloaks for all Council members

Action Items:
  • -- old items, already acted on:
    • Possible addition of personal voting link into email template in the DB of election system...
    • Contacting X-Fade, as well as Freenode staff directly, about the GC.
  • -- old items:
    • The selected Code of Conduct (KDE) still needs to be published on (T)MO.
    • Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
    • Contacting freemangordon and merlin1991 about auto-builder: CSSU-thumb target, GCC versions?
    • Getting maemo trademark registration (everywhere?) renewed (and transferred to MCeV) by the end of February (or within six months since expiry date).
    • archiving Ovi/Nokia store, especially for Harmattan.
  • -- new items:


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