2015-01-13 Meeting Minutes

2015-01-16 05:42 UTC by Oksana Tkachenko

Meeting held 2015-01-13 on FreeNode, channel #maemo-meeting (logs)

Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme), Alexander Kozhevnikov (MentalistTraceur), Oksana Tkachenko (Oksana/Wikiwide), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen),

Rüdiger Schiller (chem|st), Gido Griese (Win7Mac),

William McBee (gerbick),

Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):

  • Election system: automatic calculation of results and personal URL in email
  • Autobuilder: thumb toolchain and GCC versions
  • IRC: cloaks and topic of the channel
  • eV

Topic (Election system):

  • If everything goes well, MentalistTraceur will take a look at the PHP code within another day or two.
  • juiceme:
    the email template is in the DB, and it contains placeholders that are filled by the user's email address and temporary token when the mail is processed for sending.
    it would be possible to add a personal URL mangled from the temporary token to be inserted to the mail as well.

Topic (Autobuilder):

Topic (IRC):

  • Topic of the channel should be changed, to reflect the current meeting time. It can only be done by a channel operator.
  • IRC cloaks can be given by GC; council cloak is actually being used as access list entry in admin-channel
    chem|st will send out an email to freenode again as xfade is unresponsive ever since and generalAntilles is more on twitter than on any of #our channels

Topic (eV):

  • All member applications have been accounted for; chem|st has sent emails to all of them. eV headcount is now 14, including founding members
  • Win7Mac locked wiki page so that only logged-in users would be able to edit it

Action Items:
  • -- old items:
    • Juiceme and chemist to clarify the bank account situation or e.V.
    • The selected Code of Conduct (KDE) still needs to be published on (T)MO.
    • Looking into automatic calculation of election results ...
  • -- new items:
    • Next week's tasks: possibly adding personal URL to email template of election system...
    • Contacting freemangordon and merlin1991 about autobuilder: thumb target in auto-builder, GCC version in auto-builder?


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