HowTo EASILY BecomeRoot

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This procedure has been tested on a Nokia 770 with ITOS 3.2006.49-2

It is supposed that without any previous knowledge you should be able to accomplish the whole procedure. Ask for help in case something goes wrong.

How to become root of your Nokia tablet

After buying your tablet (or after re-flashing it) you may not become root because you don't have the necessary packages installed. To become root you first run the 'Application Manager' and add the following repositories via: TOOLS > APPLICATION MANAGER > TOOLS > APPLICATION CATALOG > NEW ...

Web address:

Distribution: mistral
Components: user

Then for N770 add

Web address:

Distribution: mistral
Components: free non-free

for N800 add

Web address:

Distribution: bora
Components: free non-free

For details about device and release specific repositories see MaemoReleasesRepositoriesDistros

Once you've updated the repositories, you need to install the following packages: * becomeroot * osso-xterm

Once you've installed these packages, becoming root is as easy as starting Xterm and typing the following:

$ sudo gainroot

Now you are root. Be careful and have fun.

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