Re: Fwd: conboy-midgard

Re: Fwd: conboy-midgard

Cornelius Hald
Karma: 478
2009-05-28 08:22 UTC
Hi Henri,

I´m including your mail completely so that your answer is on the list too.
What you and Piotr are doing sounds quite interesting, even if I
honestly know nothing about Midgard. Concerning replication, sharing and
syncing notes, I´m working on implementing the new Tomboy online service
[1]. This is probably not as generic as the Midgard solution, but for
most users that should be a good solution.

If you´re planning to go further with the Midgard integration, then
maybe we can work together on some kind of plug-in system. If this would
be interesting/feasible for you, just contact me.

Good luck with your project!

P.S. I hope that it was somehow possible to work with the code - I know
it´s still quite a mess :D


Henri Bergius wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately my reply didn't go through to the list, so sending directly:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Henri Bergius" <>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 10:37:38 +0300 (EEST)
> Subject: Re: conboy-midgard
>> Hi,
> Hi!
>> does anyone know something about the package conboy-
>> midgard? I just saw it in extras-devel.
> It is an experimental package. We wanted to test if conboy would be
> able to use the midgard2 content repository for storing its notes.
> <>
> The idea there is that through using a content repository we can have
> some new possibilities, including:
> * D-Bus signals of changes to notes (create/update/delete)
> * Replication capability between multiple devices (your desktop and
> tablet, or even tablets of your colleagues)
> * Possibility to build a web viewer/editor for the notes that
> synchronizes with the notes on the tablet
> Piotras (<>) from our team made
> the implementation. I'm sure he'll be in touch soon.
> The reason why we haven't contacted you with the patch yet is because
> it doesn't quite work well enough yet ;-)
> For the web viewer, I've started scaffolding a Midgard MVC component
> for it already:
> <>
>> Conny
> /Henri
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