[Quality Awareness] Please review quality awareness wiki


We have a nice set of generic test cases in our quality awareness wiki that every well behaving application should follow. Please give us feedback in the Forum if you see something missing or wrong !!! Mika... [More]

posted on 2007-08-07 08:33 UTC by Mika Leppinen.

[Four Rivers] Four Rivers - deb package submitted


You can now download and install the game from its debian package (thanks to Dariusz Wiechecki for his input). A menu entry is created in "Games" when you install the package for the first time. http://rivers.garage.maemo.org I've also submitted the game to the application catalog so you can find it by browsing the projects cl... [More]

posted on 2007-08-08 05:23 UTC by Missouga Dongi.

[SILC Telepathy Connection Manager] Telepathy/SILC Connection Manager started


The purpose of the telepathy-silc project is to come up with a Telepathy connection manager for the SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) protocol. Feel free to check out our SVN and report problems or contribute!... [More]

posted on 2007-08-15 13:29 UTC by Jochen Eisinger.

[UK Media Player] UKMP 1.6 out


1. Exit button 2. Maemoscrobbler integration (scrobbles to last fm) 3. Automatic thumbnail images from video files 4. Currently playing -screen 5. Progress bar 6. Touch to seek functionality in the progress bar 7. Full M4A support, including cover image from the m4a files 8. Larger video thumbnails For more detailed information, check ou... [More]

posted on 2007-08-20 04:28 UTC by Urho Konttori.

[BRisa UPnP A/V Framework for Maemo] BRisa 0.6 released!


BRisa intend to be a framework for the Audio/Video/Image UPnP standard. It is written in python and enables creation of MediaServer/MediaRenderer/ControlPoint UPnP devices. In this way users can share and search content from UPnP A/V devices. It also offers a plugin architecture enabling new services such as Flick, SHOUTcast and *now* Yo... [More]

posted on 2007-08-21 04:33 UTC by Leandro Sales.

[Maemo Multilingual Dictionary] WhiteStork 1.1.0 Released!


The newest version of our Multilingual Dictionary is out! There are some new features which make WhiteStork more useful and user-friendly. Wildcards functionality has been added - now you can use '*' and '?' in Your queries. There is also nice feature to search in WhiteStork from popular home applet: Internet Iearch. Just select 'White... [More]

posted on 2007-08-22 04:29 UTC by Dariusz Wiechecki.

[GeoClue for maemo] Geoclue 0.8 "Summer of Code" release


I've uploaded a new version of geoclue (the geoinformation framework) and geoclue-status (maemo UI for geoclue) in to the Extras repository. This release shows the progress made during the Summer of Code project. More information: http://geoclue.garage.maemo.org/... [More]

posted on 2007-08-22 11:29 UTC by Jussi Kukkonen.

[MySQL] MySQL database now available


The MySQL database server is now available ported to the Arm platform. It isn't the latest version, as that requires a newer version of GCC than the one currently available, but is version 4.1.22. Note that after installation, root and the "user" user both have password-less access granted; you may want to alter this afterwards.... [More]

posted on 2007-08-23 04:29 UTC by Tony Green.

[Python for Maemo] Python-GPSbt and Python-abook released


We have just released Python-GPSbt and Python-abook, providing access to GPS and address book data. Both modules are available through Application Manager as separate packages. We will collect all user opinions about them and possibly these packages will be included as part of a new PyMaemo release. GeoClue bindings will be provided as s... [More]

posted on 2007-08-24 03:28 UTC by Luciano Wolf.

[OpenSSH] OpenSSH client and server packages are available


OpenSSH client and server 4.3p2-9.maemo2 releaed. This is the first build for Maemo. It can be installed on both Nokia 770 and N800 devices. Both packages can be installed in one click, without any tricks. Packages uploaded to extras repository and can be also installed/upgraded by Application Installer.... [More]

posted on 2007-08-24 03:29 UTC by Ed Bartosh.

[Other Maemo Weather] Next stable version of Other Maemo Weather 0.18.4 Released!


What is new in comparison with the version 0.17.2 Autoupdating mechanism has been rectified. The algorithm of cache directory creation has been corrected. Almost all aviailable weather stations in the USA, Poland, Finland, Germany, France and Antarctic Continent have been added. The following error has been corrected: if temperature data... [More]

posted on 2007-08-26 11:29 UTC by Vlad Vasiliev.

[Unofficial Maemo UI Guide] Unofficial Maemo UI guide is now available...


“An Unofficial Guide to Creating a Most Excellent Maemo User Interface” is a hands-on description of concepts that developers should consider while creating user interfaces for their applications. Read the full description here: http://sense-datum.org/tim/archive/2007/08/24/Maemo_UI_design/tim_samoff__weblog This document is still i... [More]

posted on 2007-08-28 11:16 UTC by Tim Samoff.

[Load Applet] Update for upcoming Chinook


Not only does load-applet show CPU/Memory load and snaps screenshots. This new version can snap low-level screenshots on framebuffer level too. True, it bugs still :( And it has updated graphics to match the upcoming Chinook themes and icons. Enjoy! Porting from IT-2007 to Chinook was easy. I have built and installed the hildon-audit in... [More]

posted on 2007-08-28 11:16 UTC by Jakub Pavelek.

[Apache web server] Apache webserver now available for the N800


This is probably more heavyweight than most people will need but as I needed it for my own application, here it is for anybody else who needs it. It's been built with pretty much the default configuration; more modules may be added in the future if necessary. By default, the document root is /usr/htdocs and configuration files are in /usr... [More]

posted on 2007-08-28 11:16 UTC by Tony Green.

[raemo] Raemo on-device testing tool first beta


0.80 is Raemo's (Remote Application Execution for Maemo Os) public release. Raemo is a developer tool designed to ease on-device testing and debugging. Get a quick overview from screenshots[1] and here's list of the release's features: * Persistent remote sessions, so for example working directory is stored across calls * Sessio... [More]

posted on 2007-08-28 11:16 UTC by Jami Pekkanen.

[PyGTKEditor] PyGTKEditor 1.1.0 Update


PyGTKEditor has just been updated to version 1.1.0. Many bugs fix and some improvements : Bug fix : Launch toolbar button : pathfile was not quoted, so launching don t work with space in pathfile. Bug fix : Recent Open menu refresh now correctly. Bug fix : Parser are now working also when file contain unknow utf8 code. Bug fix :... [More]

posted on 2007-08-30 04:29 UTC by Benoît HERVIER.

[KryptPad] KryptPad beta2.1 is out


Package was build for IT OS 2006. A number of minor issues and bugs were fixed, with increased usability, stability and better error handling.... [More]

posted on 2007-08-30 04:29 UTC by Arvid Juskaitis.

[Other Maemo Weather] Other Maemo Weather 0.18.5 Released!


This is a bug fix release. The problem of not correct saving of updating intervals has been solved.... [More]

posted on 2007-08-30 10:29 UTC by Vlad Vasiliev.

[raemo] New release with full API documentation


0.81 release of Raemo includes full and up to date API-documentation which can be accessed from the home page: http://raemo.garage.maemo.org/... [More]

posted on 2007-08-31 04:28 UTC by Jami Pekkanen.

[PluThon] PluThon 0.1.1 has been released


PluThon is an Eclipse Plug-in that provides support for developing Python applications for Maemo Platform. PluThon does NOT require Scratchbox. Developers run and debug applications directly on a Maemo device, speeding up the development time. In this release, Windows support has been added, applications can be stopped, error messages hav... [More]

posted on 2007-08-31 20:29 UTC by Glauber Ferreira.
