Maemo 4.1 Diablo training material released

2009-02-27 06:33 UTC by Jarmo Tikka

Maemo team is happy to announce the availability of Maemo 4.1 Diablo training material. Maemo training courses provide an efficient overview of the tools and methodologies needed when developing applications and platform services to the Maemo platform. Using course material including hands-on exercises and examples, the participant will be able to write simple GUI applications and platform services that will integrate into the Maemo platform and the packaging framework.

Maemo training material has been planned to be used as class room training courses but material can be used also as selfstudy material.

More information about maemo training material, course material itself and instructions how maemo community can contribute to the training material creation can be found from official maemo training pages and maemo community wiki pages.

Training material for Maemo 4.1 Diablo

Maemo Diablo training material consists of following parts:

Maemo Technology Overview
- introduction to the Maemo technology and development environment
- can be used as independent training material and introduction to other Maemo courses
- planned to be 1 day lecture type course

Maemo Getting Started
- introduction to the Maemo platform and setting up environment
- can be used (if needed) at the beginning of Application and Platform Development training sessions
- planned to be 1 day class room course

Maemo Application Development
- introduction to Maemo application development on top of Maemo platform
- Maemo Getting Started as prerequisite
- can be used (together with Getting Started) as independent training material
- planned to be 3 day class room course

Maemo Platform Development
- introduction to Maemo platform and service development
- Maemo Getting Started and Application Development as prerequisite
- can be used (together with Getting Started) as independent training material
- planned to be 2 day class room course

Happy (self)learning!


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Jarmo Tikka
Karma: 435

Great to hear you plan to use maemo platform for your course! We took this CC license just to allow people to use our training material as basis of their own courses and to allow people to contribute their own material to maemo. Current contributions are in maemo wiki

2009-04-27 06:28 UTC
Abelardo Pardo
Karma: 5

Perfect timing for this publication. We, at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, are preparing to deploy a brand new sophomore course on C programming on Mobile Devices and decided to go with Maemo. Not only we will be looking at the material, but also under the same CC license, we might be able to contribute something back to the community. If everything goes as planned, the course will start this comming september.

Again, great resource for the community.

2009-03-11 20:11 UTC
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