News and Calendar betas at

2007-08-14 19:23 UTC by Quim Gil

Today we have got a double beta release: a revamped News section and a Community calendar. They are more or less ready at a feature level but we publish them to share the testing and fine tuning process. Feedback and bugs (product Website, components News or Calendar) are very much appreciated. Note that you have to log in in order to get the full features.

The News section offers a selection of the most popular novelties published (almost) anywhere about maemo. Registered users can mark news items as favorites helping them acquiring karma and going up in the top rank. Other factors are considered such as the age of each item and the popularity in and other social websites like Technoraty or Digg. Users can also get the latest news and the aggregated news from every source. Read Henri Bergius' post for more details about the development he has lead.

The Community calendar is a web based application integrated to and optimized for tablet use. We wanted to have a calendar of events for people to know where to find us and then the idea of having something more community based came up. Same as with the News section, this calendar offers to the maemo enthusiasts a way to get more visibility of their activities at a community level. Jerry Jalava, also a Nemein developer, explains you everything in the beta documentation.


Henri Bergius
Karma: 1252

We've done small changes on the site also to make commenting and content contribution easier. One of these was to ensure the "login" links always take you to the same page in authenticated mode.

2007-08-15 07:51 UTC


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