First Maemo 5 SDK release targeting platform developers

2008-12-08 11:48 UTC by Quim Gil

Check out the very first Maemo 5 SDK release , featuring some of the fresh code enabling new features such as:

  • OMAP3 support.
  • Cellular data connectivity.
  • High definition camera support.
  • hardware-based graphics acceleration.

It's a 100% open source pre-alpha release targeted mainly at platform developers. They can look at the new Kernel setup, which is much closer to mainstream Linux, and the new upstream components officially supported for the first time in Maemo like Clutter, libcanberra, OpenMAX, PulseAudio and Tracker. There are also major updates in Glib, GTK+, GUPnP, Telepathy, BlueZ, the X server and some of the renewed Hildon components. For more details check the release notes and the table of changes between Maemo 4.1.1 and Maemo 5. All the source code is available at

This release is not suitable for application development yet: it's far from feature complete and the UI look & feel is still based on Maemo 4. We will publish additional components like the revamped UI, the new media application framework or Ohm in the following weeks through repository updates, until reaching API completion and full alpha quality. After the first alpha release we will start a routine of weekly updates. That way you can follow and contribute to the integration process as it happens.

We expect an API break between Maemo 4 and Maemo 5, mainly due to the OMAP3 support, the hardware-based graphics acceleration and the changes in the Desktop UI and the Realtime Communication framework. The scope of the break will be clear by the time of the beta release. Maemopad is provided as an example application.

Maemo 5 comes today as an SDK only since it targets the OMAP3 architecture and no OMAP2 compatibility will be officially provided. The revamped UI relying on graphics acceleration and the new functionality built around the new supported hardware made it too complex to keep the compatibility between both architectures.

This early release comes with an invitation to build variants based on Maemo 5 compatible with existing hardware like the N800 and N810. Maemo SW can't promise commercial quality for such configurations but through we are able to collaborate at a community level with technical support, license changes and code.

Developer feedback about the published Maemo 5 content is welcome in maemo-developers and Comments and bugs about the SDK itself are also relevant, both for the official version and the Maemo SDK+ beta based on Scratchbox2 released also today.


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Jordan Blain
Karma: 5

I'm kind of upset to hear that there won't be guaranteed support for the internet tablets currently running OS2008

2009-06-25 06:48 UTC
Thomas Perl
Karma: 2689

I hope you are really hard working on the UI and it's not just a corporate/marketing thing to not include the UI. I'd be happy to provide feedback for the UI right now, when things can still be changed/fixed.

Also, I hope you have proper, updated Human Interface Guidelines that take into consideration the changed UI and new hardware. It's very important for us application developers to not have to "invent" some kind of UI, because the HIGs suck. Thanks :)

2008-12-11 18:29 UTC
Jayesh Salvi
Karma: 126

Can't wait to check out this evening.

2008-12-09 23:24 UTC
pancake nopcode
Karma: 117

100% opensource, opengl,cell integration, .. That's fucking awesome :)

I think that this is the right direction for the platform and I'm happy to see it's advances!

Keep up the good work!

2008-12-09 13:26 UTC
Randall Arnold
Karma: 1966

Quim, I'm sure you know how happy I am to see this development, given how much trouble I caused you way back when over project openness. ; )

I can only say now that this is the right thing! Thanks.

2008-12-09 05:16 UTC
Sanjeev Visvanatha
Karma: 680

I am not a developer, but thanks Nokia/Maemo for continuing to develop this wonderful platform into a more usable and open one.

2008-12-08 14:18 UTC
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