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    1. Developers
        1. Hacking and developing for Maemo Platform
        2. Developing Maemo Itself
        3. Want to share information?
        4. Request for the maemo community?
        5. Writing a new application or software for Maemo?
    2. Translations
    3. 维基链接名 维基
    4. 如何使用这个站点

Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more

information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup.


master-date:2004-11-21 15:15:01

format wiki

language zh

pragma section-numbers off

ApplicationCatalog ready-to-use with the Application Installer 3rd party applications.
ApplicationCatalog2006 Applications ready to use with the Internet Tablet OS 2006 Edition
ApplicationCatalogWip a place for 3rd party application developers to announce their apps, screenshots, plans to port something to maemo, simple step-by-step instructions for howto build and run a given app, known problems, etc.
ApplicationCatalogWishlist add your suggestions about which applications need to be ported to maemo in your opinion
ApplicationRepositories A list of repositories for use with Internet Tablet OS 2006
LibraryCatalog a place where 3rd party libraries go
[/FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ] | Developer frequently asked questions
HowTo Different How-To related to maemo development and hacking
DeveloperInfo Misc. information for developers.
DeveloperTools different developer tools related projects.
UsefulLinks collection of links useful for maemo developers.
MaemoGtkRoadmap upcoming development in maemo-modified gtk+
MaemoScalability Let's stretch, shrink, whirl, squeeze Maemo UI!
HildonWidgets developer info about hildon widgets
DocumentationWanted if you feel documentation is missing for some things, list here what the documentation should contain.
ImprovementIdeas Collected ideas how to improve maemo.
MaemoOrgImprovementIdeas Collected ideas how to improve maemo.org/wiki.
SardineDistro Sardine is a fresh and tasty bleeding edge distribution for the Hildon Application Framework


Hacking and developing for Maemo Platform

Developing Maemo Itself

When writing an application to run on the Maemo platform you can just use the pre-built development packages in the Maemo rootstrap. But maybe you need to fix a bug or add some features to the platform, for instance in hildon-libs. Then you need to build Maemo itself from source. Here are some suggested techniques: * Building Maemo with Jhbuild * Maemo Module List * You want to live on the bleeding edge try unstable

Want to share information?

  • identify where it best belongs, e.g Documentation, How-To, Answer to an FAQ, Feature Request etc and modify the necessary wiki pages.

Request for the maemo community?

  • Documentation which would be useful for the community but is not available, then you can add it to Documentation Wanted section.
  • Feature request, then add it to section

Writing a new application or software for Maemo?

  • First check the developer announce list, if someone is already at work. May also be useful to post on the developer list
  • Add your application to Under development/Porting" section. It would be very useful to also put a link where you would be posting your current progress, source etc page for your application
  • When you have made good progress don't forget to share some eye candy with the rest of the community and try to keep the status on the Applications Page
  • Announce release on developer announce list


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维基链接名 维基


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