
  1. Application Installer Ready
    1. SDL_ttf
    2. SDL_image
    3. libcurl3
    4. libglade
    5. SQLite
    6. wxWidgets (770)
    7. wxWidgets (N800)
    8. Eagle

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Application Installer Ready


A library that adds truetype font ability to SDL based programs.

Home Page of port:

Status: Deb available, port of V2.07 completed


A library that adds some image functions to SDL based programs.

Home Page of port:

Status: Deb available, port of V1.24 completed


Home Page of port:
Status: Binaries and source of package.

libcurl is designed to be a solid, usable, reliable and portable multi-protocol file transfer library. Ported from Debian Package.


Libglade is a library that performs a similar job to the C source output routines in the GLADE user interface builder. Whereas GLADE's output routines create C source code that must be compiled, libglade builds the interface from an XML file (GLADE's save format) at runtime. This can allow modifying the user interface without recompiling.

Home Page of port:


Status: Port of libglade-2.0.1, binaries only.


Sqlite is a powerful database designed for small devices, and as such it is a perfect datastore for the Nokia 770. Please note that I have not tested this stand-alone package with other apps that use sqlite libraries (e.g Plucker Viewer) - there may be some conflicts.

Once installed type 'sqlite3 ' from the xterm console to create a new database and enter sql command prompt. Most ANSI sql works (e.g. create table MyTable (id number(10) primary key, description varchar(10));). Type '.q' to exit sqlite command prompt)

wxWidgets (770)

wxWidgets is an open source C++ GUI framework to make cross-platform programming easier. The version 2.6.2 was built for Maemo, using Scratchbox Toolchain.

The tar.gz file contains the libs required for running wxWidgets application on Maemo platform or Nokia 770. The files must be moved to /usr/lib directory on Maemo or Nokia 770.

Download: (link broken)

Status: Port of wxWidgets 2.6.2, libs only.

Contact: raulATdscDOTufcgDOTeduDOTbr

wxWidgets (N800)

wxWidgets is an open source C++ GUI framework to make cross-platform programming easier. Version 2.8.0 was built for Maemo 3.0, using Scratchbox.

The tar.gz file contains the libs required for running wxWidgets application on the Maemo platform or a Nokia N800. The files must be moved to the /usr/lib directory.

wxWidgets 2.8 + Perl 5.8.8 + nano (but no wxPerl, yet) Download:

wxWidgets 2.8 samples (binaries) Download:

Status: wxWidgets 2.8.0, full dev kit including headers, --with-hildon option enabled

Contact: robertDOTvogtATcaflorDOTnet


Eagle is an abstraction layer atop Graphical Toolkits focused on making simple applications easy to build while powerful in features.

With Eagle you have many facilities to build application that needs just some buttons, user input and a canvas to draw.

Canvas is really simple, what makes Eagle a great solution to Computer Graphics and Image Processing software, the primary focus of this library.

User input widgets are persistent, you just need to mark them "persistent" or put them in the preferences area.

Eagle is not meant to be another Graphical Toolkit, you already have a bunch of them, like Qt, Gtk, wxWidgets (to name just a few). It's focused on applications that have few windows, with buttons, simple user input and canvas. Widgets are laid out automatically in 5 areas: left, right, top, bottom and center.

It provides useful widgets like: Color selector, Font selector, Quit button, Preferences button and bialog, About dialog and Help dialog.

Relation to Maemo

Eagle supports maemo platform with nice features:

  • Automatic fullscreen support
  • Automatic menu with items: Quit, Close, Preferences, Help and About
  • Hildon widgets where possible: IntSpin, UIntSpin, ColorButton, App

Designed to be easy to develop with, Eagle fits perfectly the Maemo platform, where we need a lot of GUI for common tasks we used to perform using XTerminal on our desktop. Typing with virtual keyboard is a pain! So create Eagle applications for your common tasks!