[CMU Sphinx] New version avaliable
The latest version of pocketsphinx 0.6.1 is avaliable in the extras-devel repository.... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Gopala krishna.
[SMSCON] New version released!
Version 0.4.0... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Frank Visser.
[Maemo Multilingual Dictionary] mDictionary - back on track!
Great news! We have been working on new version of our multilingual dictionary for last two months and today finally we are pleased to give You an opportunity to test it. We have rewritten the whole application - now it is based on Qt (You need to install this wonderful framework or use PR1.2). You can find beta version in our Files secti... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Dariusz Wiechecki.
[Dicer] Finally... sources are online
I spend a bit of time figuring out how to push my sources to two different remote repositories (garage and gitorious).
Luckily I somehow managed to do it. Mental note: next time write every step I've taken do make things work.... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Willem Liu.
[PeQersi] PeQersi in Extras
I'm proud to announce that PeQersi has reached the Extras repository.
It is playable. ;) But there are many things to come.... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Mladen Milankovic.
[Queen BeeCon Widget] v1.2 is now in extras-testing
See current change log and features list in main http://wiki.maemo.org/Queen_BeeCon_Widget
Please, test and thumb-up QBW so that it can be promoted and reach EXTRAs ASAP from here: http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/queen-beecon/1.2/... [More]
posted on 2010-09-23 13:37 UTC by Alessandro Peralma.
[SMSCON] New release of SMSCON Editor
The latest release of SMSCON Editor (0.4.4-12) is available for download.
Following a series of updates and modifications it now supports all features of SMSCON and gives an interface to test without the need to send SMS commands.
Hope you like it and please don't forget to vote in extras-testing for it's promotion.... [More]
posted on 2010-09-26 10:34 UTC by Christos Saturn.
[Queen BeeCon Widget] GPRS Traffic Grapher beecon released!
WARNING!!! Package gnuplot required please refer to http://www.gnuplot.info/ for further details.
The Beecon will display a graph with the progressive consumption of Total, Received and Sent GPRS data spent over time. It will also display green, yellow, red color/icons according to % consumption of a maximum specified threshold
http://tal... [More]
posted on 2010-09-26 10:34 UTC by Alessandro Peralma.
[EasyList] easylist-0.3.8
You can download EasyList 0.3.8 from Extras-Testing repository.
Or if you feel adventurous you can also get 0.3.10 from Extras-Develop.... [More]
posted on 2010-09-30 09:35 UTC by Willem Liu.
[Queen BeeCon Widget] v1.2 promoted to Extras
See current change log and features list in main http://wiki.maemo.org/Queen_BeeCon_Widget
See TMO thread for latest news and comments http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=45388&goto=newpost
... [More]
posted on 2010-09-30 21:48 UTC by Alessandro Peralma.