[mafw-lastfm] mafw-lastfm 0.0.1
mafw-lastfm is a last.fm scrobbler for maemo devices using the Media Application Framework, like the N900. This is its the initial release. It basically works: it sets your playing-now status and it scrobbles.
For setup instructions, consult the README file.
where to get it
https://garage.maemo.org/projects... [More]
posted on 2009-10-05 08:33 UTC by Claudio Saavedra.
[mafw-lastfm] mafw-lastfm 0.0.2
mafw-lastfm is a last.fm scrobbler for maemo devices using the Media Application Framework, like the N900. This is the second release, and it features a new control panel applet to allow a more sane configuration of the last.fm redentials.
Note that after changing the configuration, you'll need to restart the daemon to make it catch up ... [More]
posted on 2009-10-20 07:46 UTC by Claudio Saavedra.