I've updated cbrPager for Maemo to version 0.9.26. This version adds next page pre-caching for faster page flipping. Briefly, while you read a page, a background thread loads the next one, so when you change pages, it's a bit faster.
Download it in the usual location.... [More]
I've compiled last psi-im from svn for maemo :)
It has little fixes for interface...
PS: It is sad, but Qt library doesn't allow to use international charsets with hardware keyboard(for me it is Russian). I hope it will be fixed in future :)... [More]
maemo SDK+ Beta-2.5 is now available. This release has lots of bug fixes and better support for X86 architecture. Also new command line tool called "maemo-sdk" has been introduced. In addition this release is available for the following distros: Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10, Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04, Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.10, Debi... [More]
Whats new in version 1.1
*User can choose between Metric / English units in Activity view and Activity log
*BMI calculator
*Maximum heart rate calculator
*Hardware key support for map operations
*Satellite connection shutdown bug solved
*Play button has changed to Rec button in Activity view
*Plus other minor changes... [More]
The first prerelease of ESbox for the Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd edition project is now available. Please see <https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/wiki/index.php?id=192&type=g> for details.... [More]
The first prerelease of PluThon for the Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd edition project is now available. Please see <https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/wiki/index.php?id=247&type=g> for more details.... [More]
In this version:
* Custom stylesheets and html templates. Documentation will be updated soon.
* Native folder and file selection dialogs
* Refresh process logging. I hope this will help to fix some problems.
* Update by schedule. Unfortunately, there is no daemon yet, so, you have to keep FC running.... [More]
I have just released the first version of the Car Mileage Calculator for the NOKIA Internet Tablets. It allows one to enter mileage for multiple cars, display values in a table format, and displays lifetime mileage and last mileage. Future capabilities are for graphing data, a car alert selection, and a car activity section. The software ... [More]
The latest version of powerlaunch with a fix for alarms is available. All releases will now be found in the extras/extras-devel maemo repositories.... [More]
Zutun is a desktop applet that allows direct entry of todo list items to todo list services on the Internet. Three services are currently supported: Toodledo (at http://www.toodledo.com), Voo2do (at http://www.voo2do/com), and Remember the Milk (at http://www.rememberthemilk.com). Online and offline entry of todo list items is implemented... [More]
Improved Atom feed support for use with Youtube queries and SVG image support for SMIL presentations.
Opening a Youtube query, like http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?vq=maemo , will show the Atom entries as items in the playlist. KMPlayer will add a summary as first child and if the author didn't disable allow embedding, a link t... [More]
Carman 0.7-beta1 is out. This version includes a map visualization with GPS integration and a trip report module. Check our new web site (http://openbossa.indt.org/carman/). You can install it using the one click install from our download page.... [More]
In this version:
- Problem with slate.com feed parsing is fixed.
- Problem with the Telepolis feed is probably fixed.
- Content settings are refactored.
- More autorefresh settings.... [More]
Pleased to announce an easy to learn but fun to play musical instrument for Maemo called Boxar.
Best described with a poor haiku:
Boxes on the screen.
Each has a note.
Tap to play.
Please see http://garage.maemo.org/projects/boxar for a screenshot, soundshot and .deb.
Please send comments/feature requests/feedback to jagernot@gmail.co... [More]
From 11/25/2008 stable and ready for internationalization package of SlideShow Viewer is available on garage. Further improvements are in progress...... [More]
I'm pleased to announce the first version (v0.0.1) of the PyFinancial Calculator. Please, let me know if you have any problem on
running the calculator, suggestions and improvements that you provided for
the calculator.
What is PyFinancial Calculator?
It is a financial calculator for Maemo based a... [More]
First beta release.
Maps download just works (press and hold on map and choose 'download' in context menu).
Thanks for Marcus Bauer for good tool
(not source code :( )
If you like Google Maps, use
as tiles URL;
In this version:
- Maemo keys support
- Down and hold menu
- ... [More]