Descent II, N800(Bora) Version is Out
Descent is (with Doom) one of the historic break-trought in the 3d shoot'em up panorama. You have to own the original CD or download from the internet the demo version to use it.
Installation instruction:
- Prerequites: A memory card with sufficent space :)
- Install the package normally.
- Copy the levels files into the d2x directory of... [More]
posted on 2007-07-07 15:53 UTC by Sergio Melas.
Maemo Mapper v1.4.7 Released
Added "Avoid Highways" mode for downloading routes,
and fixed a couple route Auto-Update bugs.... [More]
posted on 2007-07-08 02:15 UTC by John Costigan.
maemoscrobbler's first release is out
maemoscrobbler is an audioscrobbler ( plugin that keeps track of listened audio tracks and caches/reports them to depending on net connection availability. It currently needs individual media player support to work, but hopefully some players will support it real soon.... [More]
posted on 2007-07-09 04:30 UTC by Kemal Hadimli.
New Unzip's version
Thanks to Danny Milosavljevic there is Unzip's new version.
Danny sent a patch in order that the File Manager support Unzip. That's to say, already you don't need osso-xterm for unzip a Zip file, only with a click on it in the File Manager and voilá.
Have fun.... [More]
Posted on 2007-07-10 19:44 UTC.
Maemo Wordpy 0.4
0.4 is a new version, it doesn't have many improvements, but few features new are:
Added a progressbar while posting and uploading images.
Added Help support.
Tags are 100% XHTML valid.
Add new tags: font-color, background-color and font-size.
Some fixes here and there.
Please report bugs.... [More]
Posted on 2007-07-11 15:04 UTC.
New Mirage version.
There is new version of Mirage Image Viewer. Now all the dialogs are 'hildonized' and with an improvement in the UI.
Try it.... [More]
Posted on 2007-07-11 17:48 UTC.
Mirage 0.8.3-4
If you installed Mirage 0.8.3-3 you will see that a bug exists that crash Mirage when it's running X seconds.
Please, install this new version that it haven't this bug.
Sorry for it. It's to silly bug: (... [More]
Posted on 2007-07-12 11:24 UTC.
New Angstron alpha is due to come soon
Maybe next week we will have a new version of this fantastic (;-P) game.
mostly becouse I have now Gregalle SDK installed and its time to see how it behaves...also its time to test MaemoWizard against it and mostly , to see the changes made to the game code since the last alpha.... [More]
posted on 2007-07-12 18:32 UTC by Daniel Monteiro.
Level editor running on the device
Nothing that complicated...its a console application anyway!
my next step is allowing a modification of a template level so the levels can be created right on the device
I must now check what is the best method to allow level editing on-device...maybe there is a console text editor (other than vi, please)...or maybe i can do a quick and ... [More]
posted on 2007-07-12 18:44 UTC by Daniel Monteiro.
previous alpha re-released
Re-releasing this alpha (the current official alpha).
this was previously released on my blog, but since then, I did some art re-work , erased some ugly levels and re-ordered the rest of them.
the file can be reached from here:
also, please remember to always check the ... [More]
posted on 2007-07-12 23:12 UTC by Daniel Monteiro.