[VNC Viewer] Chinook test version of vncviewer


It is tested on N800 OS2008 beta only! Attention, the behaviour of the +/- button is changed. Now you must hold it during "mouse" click to modify to right or middle mouse button click.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-02 22:27 UTC by Detlef Schmicker.

[touch-typing tutors] tuxtype 1.5.15.dfsg1-2.maemo4 released


First release of maemo tuxtype typing tutor game. Note: For N810 only! Requires hardware keyboard.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-02 22:27 UTC by Ed Bartosh.

[GeoPoi] Poi converter for geocaching


This is the first alpha release of geoPoi software. It can be used to convert geocaching Pocket Queries into Maemo Mapper database format. Any suggestions for development are welcome!... [More]

posted on 2007-12-04 10:27 UTC by Eero Salli.

[Pidgin On Maemo] pidgin-2.3.0-0nix0 is now in Maemo Extras


That's right! I moved Pidgin into Maemo Extras on gregale, bora, and chinook. This has allowed me to make a .install file for all three distros. Here are the changes: * Moved up to 2.3.0 * Forgot to merge pounce dialog scrollability * Make menu entry l10n work on Chinook and Bora * Track debianizations via mtn and remove tarball * Start... [More]

posted on 2007-12-04 10:27 UTC by Gabriel Schulhof.

[Other Maemo Weather] OMWeather for OS2088 is available for testing


OMWeather 0.19.2 for OS2008 has been uploaded to extras-devel repository. Check up how it works.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-05 05:27 UTC by Vlad Vasiliev.

[Ogg support for n8x0] Ogg support 0.4: Media Player


* Added OGG support in to the built-in media player. * Updated ogg related mime types from freedesktop.org.xml (excluding *.ogg patterns) * Added icons for the new mime types. * Removed dependency to floating point vorbis library. ... [More]

posted on 2007-12-10 08:27 UTC by Tuomas Kulve.

[MediaBox] MediaBox 0.91 released


Release 0.91 of the MediaBox media center fixes some bugs, brings some little improvements, and features an FM radio player.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-10 08:27 UTC by Martin Grimme.

[pyFMRadio] pyFMRadio 0.21 released


Release 0.21 of the pure Python module for controlling the FM tuner chip in the N800 implements improved station scanning with forward and backward scanning. FM band selection (requires a custom kernel) is there as well.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-10 08:27 UTC by Martin Grimme.

[Notecase] Notecase 1.7.4 released


New version (v1.7.4) of the Notecase outliner has been released. You can fetch the package(s) at: http://notecase.sourceforge.net NoteCase outliner helps you to organize your text notes into a document, with individual notes placed in the tree-like structure. To ensure your privacy, encrypted document format is supported. Project is mult... [More]

posted on 2007-12-10 20:28 UTC by Miroslav Rajcic.

[Additional xkb layouts] Russian fonetic for Nokia N810


This package replace original Russian layout for built keyboard to Russian fonetic layout (ЯВЕРТЫ). Required for devices without cyrillic letters on keyboard.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-12 07:32 UTC by Arkadiy Glazov.

[Media Utils] tablet-encode v2.15 released with graphical user interface


tablet-encode v2.15 makes it even easier to convert your videos into a format suitable for a Nokia Internet Tablet with the addition of an optional GUI mode in the latest release. Full details at its homepage: http://mediautils.garage.maemo.org/tablet-encode.html More information is also available in my blog: http://www.maemopeople.org/... [More]

posted on 2007-12-12 07:32 UTC by Andrew Flegg.

[ESbox] ESbox 1.3.0 has been released


ESbox is an Eclipse plug-in that helps programmers to develop applications for Maemo platform on Scratchbox Apophis. It supports C/C++ and Python programming languages. Maemo 2.x, 3.x and 4.x SDKs will be supported. See the ESbox homepage (http://esbox.garage.maemo.org/) for more detailed information and installation instructions.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-12 07:32 UTC by Raul Herbster.

[lightmediascanner] LightMediaScanner 0.1 released!


First public release of LightMediaScanner at http://lms.garage.maemo.org/ About it: Lightweight media scanner meant to be used in not-so-powerful devices, like embedded systems or old machines. Provides an optimized way to recursively scan directories, handling the parser in a child process, avoiding breaks of the main process when pars... [More]

posted on 2007-12-14 11:27 UTC by Gustavo Barbieri.

[Pidgin On Maemo] pidgin-2.3.1-0nix0 is now in Maemo Extras


I have just finished uploading Pidgin 2.3.1 and friends to Maemo Extras. The changes are not Earth-shattering, but here they are for Pidgin: * Moved up to 2.3.1 * Added dh_pidgin to pidgin-dev package * Switched to native Avahi for Bonjour * Removed autocap hint for password and username entries ... and for Pidgin OTR: * Re-b... [More]

posted on 2007-12-14 11:27 UTC by Gabriel Schulhof.

[Vagalume] Vagalume 0.4 released


Vagalume 0.4 has just been released. Vagalume is a Last.fm player for the Maemo platform. Highlights of this version: * New dialogs for tagging and recommending tracks * Ability to modify existings tags * HTTP proxy support * ConIc support * Improved D-BUS support ... [More]

posted on 2007-12-14 11:27 UTC by Alberto Garcia.

[VPNC Maemo Port] vpnc 0.5.1 released


I have released a new vpnc package for Maemo. It is compatible with OS2008 and only depends on some extra libraries from the "Maemo Extras" repository.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-18 21:27 UTC by Philipp Seidel.

[Dictd] Dict and dictd for Maemo released.


Dict is a console program. Therefore for its use you should have a console. For example - osso-xterm. For testing how dict works you need to have connection to the Internet. Run dict with word as parameter to it : Nokia-N800-26:/etc/init.d# dict text And you should see the following lines: 6 definitions found From The Colla... [More]

posted on 2007-12-18 21:27 UTC by Vlad Vasiliev.

[Stopwatch] Stopwatch 0.1 released


I finally had some free time to create the Stopwatch initial release. Nothing impressive, but it works! (at least I hope so :-] ) https://garage.maemo.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=1283 Cheers, milosz... [More]

posted on 2007-12-20 15:28 UTC by Milosz Wasilewski.

[OpenSSH] OpenSSH 1:4.6p1-5.maemo3 has been released


Openssh server asks for root password change on first install. Now it's one of the easiest ways to get root access to the device.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-22 00:27 UTC by Ed Bartosh.

[Stock plugin] Version 0.2


[Interlingua -- English version below] Le version 0.2 del stock-plugin es disponibile! Stock-plugin es un Home applet pro le Hildon Desktop que recupera le datos financiari de Yahoo!Finance e los visualisa in le desktop. Le plus importante novitate in iste version es le stabilitate: le programma ha essite verificate in valgrind, e crashe... [More]

posted on 2007-12-22 00:27 UTC by Alberto Mardegan.

[Pidgin On Maemo] pidgin-2.3.1-1nix0 is now in Maemo Extras


This release has only one minor change: * Add Pidgin settings stored in /home/user/.purple to the "Settings" category in OSSO Backup This means that, when you have this version of Pidgin installed and you have the "Settings" category checked when making a backup, your Pidgin accounts and preferences will be saved t... [More]

posted on 2007-12-22 00:27 UTC by Gabriel Schulhof.

[Qt4] Qt4 for Maemo tablets available


This project aims at using Trolltech Qt4 packages on maemo devices. In this way your tablet will be able to run many Qt4 applications. The first step is completed and the user and developper packages are available on http://qt4.garage.maemo.org. The second work is now the Hildonization: To move the menubar to the menu system and allow to ... [More]

posted on 2007-12-22 00:27 UTC by Jean-Luc Biord.

[PluThon] PluThon 0.1.6 has been released


PluThon is an Eclipse Plug-in that provides support for developing Python applications for Maemo Platform. PluThon does NOT require Scratchbox. Developers run and debug applications directly on a Maemo device, speeding up the development time. Rsync requirement has been removed from both development and target environments. Bugs related t... [More]

posted on 2007-12-22 23:27 UTC by Glauber Ferreira.

[Additional xkb layouts] Russian phonetic to Scandinavian keyboard


Make 2 different packages for 2 physical keyboard layouts: Scandinavian and English. Now <FN>+symbols match labels for other keyboards... [More]

posted on 2007-12-25 09:27 UTC by Arkadiy Glazov.

[Pioneers] Initial release


First release is ready for downloads. You can: * start a new server using CLI or GTK+ interface * create AI bots * connect to existing games on localhost or through internet And, of course, you can play. 8))... [More]

posted on 2007-12-25 09:27 UTC by Alexey Antipovsky.

[LinuxMCE/Plutohome Orbiter] New package for LinuxMCE 0704


I released new packages for LinuxMCE 0704 for OS2007 and OS2008. There are a few improvements: - Orbiter uses 16 bit SDL surface instead of 32bit; - added checking of WiFi connection; - added checking of MS TrueType fonts; - added possibility to restart the Orbiter automatically if it crashes. The new packages are available on the files ... [More]

posted on 2007-12-26 10:28 UTC by Michael Stepanov.

[LinuxMCE/Plutohome Orbiter] Fixed Orbiter dependencies


After a few test I fixed and uploaded correct versions of libmysqlclient12 and mysql-common. They are available on the project's file page under section OS2008.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-26 10:28 UTC by Michael Stepanov.

[LinuxMCE/Plutohome Orbiter] Orbiter for LinuxMCE 0710


I built a beta version of Orbiter for coming LinuxMCE 0710. It's available as TAR archive. So, you can download it from the project's file page (section OS2008, LinuxMCE 0710) and run from xterm to test.... [More]

posted on 2007-12-27 00:27 UTC by Michael Stepanov.

[Remote Connection Manager] Remote COnnection Manager 0.2 released


You can launch a ssh session in xterm with the parameters you like (port formarding, X tunneling ...) It launch commands in xterm via DBus. Osso-xterm doesn't behave terribly well but it works ... I'll try and propose a patch to the osso-xterm team ...... [More]

posted on 2007-12-27 20:28 UTC by Fred Lefévère-Laoide.
