Garage News
- Project News
[Frummage Aircrack Gui] Version 0.50 is production ready
fAircrack development has reached a self imposed milestone: Version 0.50 is production ready!!! This is to be the first version to be published through the extras repository. The remaining stumbling block is now learning the extras repository packaging / publishing system. So, keep your eyes peeled for a release soon. :)... [More]
posted on 2012-04-18 21:40 UTC by Stefan Lenz. 0 comments.
[LUCID/iron] Unified graphics on the way ...
here are two versions of the GUI for LUCID: desktop and mobile. Apart from the obvious interface differences (desktop looks like a conventional pogram; mobile has buttons for touhscreen use) the underlying 3D graphics used different approaches in OpenGL. These are being unified so that both versions use derivatives of the same OpenGL Sha... [More]
posted on 2012-03-04 23:34 UTC by yalnte. 0 comments.
[Pierogi] Pierogi 0.5 released
Pierogi version 0.5 has now been pushed up to Extras-Devel. This release cleans up the user interface a bit, includes some back-end improvements, and fixes a few bugs. In short, I believe it is now clean enough to be at least half-way usable. :)... [More]
posted on 2012-02-14 08:38 UTC by John Pietrzak. 0 comments.
[Atari800 v2.2.1 port] Redefined Keys
These keys have been redefined from the upstream package:
F1 - Help key
F2 - Option
F3 - Inverse
F4 - Atari800 Emulator menu (menu button on N810)
F5 -
F6 - Fullscreen toggle
F7 - Select (+ hardware key)
F8 - Start (- hardware key)
F9 - Break key
F10 - Caps key
F11 - Reset
... [More]
posted on 2012-01-30 09:35 UTC by Shawn Jefferson. 0 comments.
[LUCID/iron] LUCID/iron - pre-Alpha v0.0.5 available
Latest update - some features had to be removed / downgraded in order for the code to compile correctly using recent versions of Qt and OpenGL ES2.0. These features will be returned in future versions (e.g. contour plot with key next to display).
Shading has been improved to some extent in this version.
Thought it better to release some... [More]
posted on 2012-01-19 09:34 UTC by yalnte. 0 comments.
[Snuggle - Cell Tower Geolocation] All code has been released in SVN,
Making the code easier available is always a good idea.
From today the development code for Snuggle becomes available in Garage's SCM part.
Note also, the trunk has a much more improved version from the one in Maemo downloads but which is not yet ready for public release.... [More]
posted on 2011-12-31 10:34 UTC by Christos Saturn. 0 comments.
[SMSCON] Major release for SMSCON project
Major release for the SMSCON project.
With the amazing contribution from Lutz (yablacky) we have released version 0.9.3-1 of both SMSCON and SMSCON Editor packages in extras-devel (see links for the long changelogs below).
In addition, all the code is now public in SVN at the garage site for your scrutiny and proposal/contributions for ... [More]
posted on 2011-12-18 19:36 UTC by Christos Saturn. 0 comments.
[Quando Parte] Quando Parte 0.4.4 is now available in maemo-extras-devel
Quando Parte 0.4.4 is now available to try out.
There are no code changes in this release. It is just a minor version to update the station list.
Detailed changes are:
* The station list has been updated and now contains 1244 stations
* The icons have been updated a bit... [More]
posted on 2011-12-18 19:35 UTC by Luciano Montanaro. 0 comments.
[Evernote] Evernote 0.0.1
Today first version for Evernote for Meego was submitted to Nokia APP Store to QA.
Will wait for replies. ... [More]
posted on 2011-12-14 19:34 UTC by yeswolf yeswolf. 0 comments.
[Hello Sarkar] Phase One almost complete
Phase one of project hello sarkar is almost complete. Check readme file inside the zip in the project for more information.... [More]
posted on 2011-12-04 12:34 UTC by Krishna Shrestha. 0 comments.