Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition PreFinal released
The Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition project has reached its fifth prerelease PreFinal targeting final release about 3 weeks after Fremantle platform and SDK Final release 2H2009.
Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition will offer professional features and future proof framework for Maemo Eclipse Integration. In addition to the native C programming language Maemo Eclipse Integration fully supports both C++ and Python development in Diablo and Fremantle development environment.
This Maemo Eclipse Integration Edition 2 PreFinal release supports Maemo Diablo 4.1.2 development environment with N800, N810 and N810 Wimax Edition Maemo devices and Maemo Fremantle 5.0 Beta 2 development environment with N900 device. Notice especially that this PreFinal release replaces old Eclipse Integration Edition 1 release meaning that support for Edition 1 will be discontinued and Edition 1 deliverables and documentation will be removed before Final release.
Release Information
Project: Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition
Version: PreFinal (2.0.0M6 for Maemo Eclipse plugins)
Baselines: Maemo Diablo 4.1.2 SDK and Maemo Fremantle 5.0 SDK Beta 2
Date: 2009-09-11
Detailed PreFinal release information is available from wiki and Garage projects
- Release Notes for PreFinal
- Known Issues for PreFinal
- New features implemented for PreFinal
General Information
High level documentation about Maemo Eclipse Integration is available from site Maemo IDE Integration pages.
Eclipse Integration components now support the latest Debian based Linuxes, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2 and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard all with x86/32bit architectures.
Support for other than above listed operating systems has not been tested but should be possible if chosen operating system supports Eclipse IDE, if similar functionality for Host PC Connectivity is available for that operating system (for example most Linuxes like Fedora have that) and if operating system is able to run Maemo SDK Virtual Image (in practise supports either QEmu, VMWare or VirtualBox).
Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition includes the following components:
- Eclipse 3.4.2 IDE (Ganymede SP2) for C/C++ Developers (official release from
- Maemo PC Connectivity (Diablo and Fremantle extras-devel repository versions)
- Host PC Connectivity for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X (PC Connectivity Garage project versions)
- Maemo ESbox product for Eclipse v2.0.0M6 (Esbox Garage project version)
- Maemo Pluthon product for Eclipse v2.0.0M6 (Pluthon Garage project version)
- Maemo Mica plugin framework for Eclipse v2.0.0M6 (Mica Garage project version)
- Maemo C/C++ and Python programming language support (Diablo and Fremantle extras-devel repository versions)
- Maemo SDK Virtual Images (to support other than Debian based Linuxes)
- Maemo Flasher-3.5 Tool Beta versions
New Features
Detailed list of new features implemented for this PreFinal release is in wiki Eclipse Integration Feature Plan page. Feature plan for Final releases will be available soon in that same page.
Here is (very) short list of main features:
- Full support for Debian based Linuxes like Ubuntu
- Good support for MS Windows XP with SP3 and Vista with SP2
- Good support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
- Maemo PC Connectivity and Flasher-3.5 Tools for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems
- Eclipse IDE support Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems
- Maemo SDK Virtual Images support VMWare, VirtualBox and QEmu
- Mica Eclipse plugin framework for 3rd party plugin development
- VNC support for Maemo device with host PC native GUI client (TightVNC) and Eclipse VNC plugin
- FTP support for Maemo device with host PC native GUI client (FileZilla)
- RDesktop support for Maemo device to enable desktop share access using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to Windows PCs
- RSync support for Maemo device to backup and syncronize files between host PC and Maemo device
- Support for USB, BlueTooth and WLAN connectivity methods between Maemo device and host PC
- Support for IP Forwarding to allow Maemo device and host PC to share same network connection
- Support for SSH, RSE and SBRSH connection types between Maemo device and host PC
- Easy configuration and usage of connectivity with ZeroConf (Avahi), DHCP and configuration tools
- Easy installation of Eclipse products from update sites and after that Maemo development environments using Eclipse wizards
- Online and offline access to Maemo developer documentation from Eclipse IDE
- Context sensitive help from Eclipse IDE
- Easy development process for debugging and tracing C/C++/Python applications on Maemo SDK and device
- Automatic generation of Debian installation packages
- Easy flashing of Maemo device with Eclipse flasher wizard
- etc
Complete feature lists for each product and installation instructions for all PreFinal components can be found from Maemo Garage project pages and PreFinal Release Notes.
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