Introducing Andre and Karsten, bugmasters

2008-05-14 06:53 UTC by Quim Gil

Even if they have been around already for some days, here we go with the official introduction of Andre Klapper and Karsten Bräckelmann, the new bugmaster combo taking care of Both are experienced bugmasters with a very good track in GNOME's bugzilla and a deep knowledge about humans reporting problems (aka users) + other humans dealing with them (aka developers).

Andre and Karsten are working part time each, completing a full time role funded by Nokia. Remember that they come after Niels Breet (webmaster) and Dave Neary (docmaster). With this setting we are done with the maemo community core team by now. Their work should have a visible impact in the communication with Nokia and in the self-organization of the community already now, and much more during this year. About the mid term future... it depends a lot on you, really.

Please make a good use of their time. They work for you. Please provide good practical reasons to show to Nokia that this has been a good decision and point to further steps in right directions.


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sam darabi
Karma: 56

They Really Can Help Me! I Still Have This Old Problem :

please help me and fix it on my country

what's wrong?

2008-06-03 04:34 UTC
Ryan Abel
Karma: 1518

They've only be at it for just a few weeks, but things are already looking way up on Bugzilla. The future is very bright for this community!

Thanks, guys!

2008-06-01 18:25 UTC
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