Maemo profile updates
Your Maemo profile recently got richer. We have recently added a number of new features to profiles:
You can specify multiple email addresses which will be taken into consideration for mailing list, bugzilla and garage karma
You can now specify IDs for Jabber, AIM, MSN and IRC
Another new field has been added - the company you work fo... [More]
Posted on 2008-08-14 15:57 UTC. 0 comments.
Community council elections - nominations open
Nominations for candidates are now open for the first Community Council election.
The community council will be a group of 5 people, elected from the community, who will represent the best onterests of the diverse community, through monthly meetings with Nokia's representatives, and help organise and co-ordinate communit... [More]
Posted on 2008-08-14 16:23 UTC. 0 comments.