bugs.maemo.org reopened to anonymous access
bugs.maemo.org is accessible again to anonymous users and search engine spiders. We have applied some patches to our Bugzilla and now no email address should be accessible without registering. Thanks to the bugzilla.gnome.org for sharing their privacy tips! We found a couple more of weaknesses in the extended functionality for showing search results. If you still see email addresses where they shouldn't be, please share your findings.
Last Spring we decided to limit the access to to registered users, in order to help protecting their privacy and avoid the risk of bot spiders gathering email addresses. It was clear that the stock Bugzilla had this privacy weakness but it was brought on top of of our priorities as soon as some users reported having received spam in addresses used only in maemo's bug tracking system. Having bugs.maemo.org close to the public view has been uncomfortable but we still think it was the right thing to do.
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