
Sandbox, implemented

Bring more popular IM protocols to Fremantle

Posted on 2009-12-15 20:36 UTC by Craig Woodward. Status: Implemented, milestone: Fremantle, Categories: Internet & Networking.

Currently Fremantle has no access to common popular IM protocols, despite having an integrated SMS/IM "conversations" area.  The few protocols that are there are widly unused, while popular protocols (like YahooIM, AIM, ICQ, and others) are unavailable.


Portrait mode for viewing photos

Posted on 2009-09-25 10:30 UTC by mike choy. Status: Implemented, Categories: Media.

I have a Cannon steady shot, which has a motion sensor that rotates the picture between portrait and landscape on the built in LCD depending on how I hold it. Very nice for looking at any pics that I have taken in portrait mode (tall buildings, captures of business cards, and documentation, and oh yes portraits :-) ). Looking at these on a widescren LCD with black bars is NAFF, and cropping and rotating the picture will just bugger up the framing when looking at the same pic on other devices. I dont know if the n900 does this, but it would be a nice feature.