
Wifi-based Proximity Profiles

Posted on 2009-11-03 22:24 UTC by . Status: Under consideration, Categories: Utilities, User Experience, System.

It would be very useful to have a setup which allows your profiles to change automatically based on your location. Obviously this isn't practical by using GPS because that'll suck the battery dry, but since most people will have wifi on permanently, it might be possible to use that instead.

Additionally, it would be pretty swish to have the device automatically open and close applications based on these profiles. Other changes could include ringtone/vibrate, power settings, gps on/off, bluetooth on/off, etc.

Simply, the device could be set to activate profile A (vibrate, calendar, calculator, VNC, bluetooth, etc) when connected to, say, work_wifi_network_abc, and then deactivate when it is no longer connected. The device may then activate Profile B (ringtones, bluetooth, music, etc) when connected to home_wifi network.


Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: "Shepherd can do that"

Posted on 2009-11-06 18:56 UTC by J N.

Have one competent scheduling center to handle all things related to starting and ending applications, changing settings, changing wallpaper and other behaviour, whether they are controlled by time, location, weather, calendar events, charging state, memory reserve or other inputs.

Shepherd might become a candidate for such a center.

Link to Shepherd thread in talk:


Solution #2: Presence needs univeral hook/API

Posted on 2009-12-15 21:51 UTC by Craig Woodward.

This is known as presence on most advanced phones/netbooks, and many things can optionally tie into it. Having a well defined API/hook in place to something like Shepheard above is a must.  Just an example of things that can/should tie into presence:

  • IM clients can tie into it to set status messages ("At Home" or "At work").
  • GPS/OVI could tie into it both to pre-seed the GPS system with a good default coordiant set, and update it as it's being used.
  • OVI could update it when executing a route-to function ("En Route to ..." or "ETA X minutes").
  • Profiles may want to change based on location (silent near a movie theatre).
  • Putting a scripting component in may even be desirable.

Latest activities to brainstorm Wifi-based Proximity Profiles