
SMS Classical View

Posted on 2009-12-09 17:45 UTC by Rami Zalloum. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience.

There should be an option for the customer to use a classical SMS Inbox view instead of the conversational view


sometimes you just need to see SMSs received/sent on a certain day regardless of the sender


brainstorm at



Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Search function

Posted on 2009-12-09 21:44 UTC by Andrea Carron.

It could be usefull a simple search function with few parameters in it:

  • Date selection (From ... To ... / Always)
  • Contact selection (A selection from all the contacts to whom i've talked to plus me)
  • Protocol selection (SMS/Skype/GTalk/...)
  • Containing word (which word)
  • Maybe something else


Latest activities to brainstorm SMS Classical View