
Sent emails should be kept on servers rather than device

Posted on 2009-12-13 11:12 UTC by Venomrush .. Status: Under consideration, Categories: System.

It eats up memory space especially when there are attachments involved.

At the moment, all sent emails are kept on the N900.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Keep Sent on IMAP servers

Posted on 2009-12-13 11:12 UTC by Venomrush ..

When an email is sent, this item (Sent folder selected to be saved for sent emails on server) should be kept on the server rather than phone.

This is the expected behaviour for most email clients.




Solution #2: Add a per-box setting for auto-delete (time/number/sync)

Posted on 2009-12-14 23:01 UTC by Craig Woodward.

Add a setting to allow the deletion all out-bound message after a sync, or to keep a certain number on the device based on number or time sent (eg in the past week).  Some people like having a copy on the local device.  This same logic could be applied for all boxes/folders independantly, since incoming mail also takes up space.  If people want the old behavior, they can simply not check the "delete after" box.  If they do, they can chose when to delete (after sync, after X number, or older than X days.  Advanced users can setup one box to dump mail to save forever on the device into and auto-manage the rest.  That makes everyone happy.


Solution #3: Save reply in same folder as original email

Posted on 2010-05-26 22:55 UTC by Jamie Thompson.

In addition to solution 1, have the option to save the reply in the same folder as the original email. This enables context and is particularlly useful in threaded views.

Latest activities to brainstorm Sent emails should be kept on servers rather than device