
Searching calendar events

Posted on 2009-12-07 19:21 UTC by Loek Engels. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop.

You know that the birtyday of your mother in law  is somewhere in the coming 11 months or that you have some other important meeting. Looking through all events of the coming months may take some time... unless you can search for a calendar event.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Search matching a predefined set of fields

Posted on 2009-12-07 19:21 UTC by Loek Engels.

Click on the calendar menu, select find and enter the keyword you want to search for. When searching all calendar events are matched against the keyword in the event title and location. The search should of course also match events in the Smart Calendar (birthday).


Solution #2: Search matching on a specifc field

Posted on 2009-12-07 19:23 UTC by Loek Engels.

Click on the calendar menu, select find and a dialog pops-up allowing you to specify more in-depth search criteria: event title, location and date range. The search should of course also match events in the Smart Calendar (birthday).

Latest activities to brainstorm Searching calendar events