

Remote Starter

Posted on 2009-12-20 01:49 UTC by Ali Abood. Status: Waiting, Categories: Utilities.

Ok, so I was with friends heading to our car in this cold weather.  And I though, wouldn't it be nice if I can start my car from my cell phone?

It would be a great application.  I'm not a programmer, and I know it would be more than just an application.  The starter has to be able to communicate with your cell phone.  But since starters work from a remote control, why not have the cell phone be that remote control?  And why would it be limited to a distance?  The starter can only be accessed through the cell phone application.


What I mean is, it could dial to the starter.  Or the starter could work by some kind of a trigger that is dialed into by the application on the cell phone.


This could be a great application/starter for allot of people who live in cold weather countries.  Imagine starting your car 10 minutes before you finish work or before you leave the bar.

Hope I'm posting this in the correct section.

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