
Proposed Talk forum improvements for 2010

Posted on 2009-12-15 07:02 UTC by Randall Arnold. Status: Under consideration, Categories:

There's been a great deal of discussion at about the discussion forum needing a redesign and/or usability improvements.  This is your opportunity to provide guidance (no guarantee at this point though that a resource will be available-- this is just to propose ideas to start).

Feel free to add your Solution(s) for a preferred discussion layout.  Detailed outlines, flow diagrams and the like will be especially helpful in an endeavor like this, so try to represent your suggested layout(s) visually and link to your Solution(s).


discuss here:

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Add checkboxes for Talk Categories for filtering New Posts

Posted on 2009-12-15 18:04 UTC by Gerald Koblentz.

The Problem

It will be easier to understand the "Solution" if you understand the specific problem it addresses. Users would like to view New Posts without having to view all the posts. So, for example, you may want to view the posts listed under the categories "Community," "Software:Applications," "OS/Platform:OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo,"  "OS/Platform:Development," "Devices:N810," and "Devices:N800" without having to wade through threads in the other (at this point) 23 Talk categories, such as "Off Topic" and "Devices:N900."



Filter: Implement a way to filter "Searches" by categories. New Posts is apparently a type of Search, and so it should be filterable this way.

Checkboxes: Determine the filters by checkboxes. There would be a layout of checkboxes, with one checkbox for each Talk Category. The user would check off which categories he (including, of course, "she") was interested in, and only threads in those categories would be returned by the search. If, in the scenario I set forth above in The Problem, the user checked off only those 5 categories, then when he clicked New Posts, he would get a list that included all the New Posts in those threads that were in those categories; and all other threads would be omitted from his New Posts listing.

User-Specific Filter Memory: The Forum would remember each user's last filter checkbox selection, just like it remembers what threads you have already visited. That way you would not have to re-check all the boxes for each time you click New Posts or run a search.


(This solution is not intended to be exclusive of other solutions. It's intended to be a part of any solution.)


Solution #2: Handle Hardware/OS specification via tags

Posted on 2009-12-15 18:42 UTC by Joel Buursma.

At a high-level, I propose these categories (I'm open to better names):

Non-OS-specific, non-device-specific:

  • General
  • Brainstorm
  • Community
  • Off-topic

Software (OS-specific)

  • Applications
  • Multimedia
  • Games
  • Design
  • OS/Platform
  • Development
  • Alternative OS/Platforms

Hardware (device-specific)

  • Devices
  • Accessories
  • Competitors
  • Buy & Sell

Any threads created in the "Software" would need to be tagged with the OS or OS'es to which they apply:

  • Maemo 6 / Harmattan
  • Maemo 5 / Fremantle
  • Mer
  • OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
  • OS2006 / Maemo 2 / Mistral - Scirocco - Gregale

Any threads created in the "Hardware" section would need to be tagged with the devices to which they apply:

  • Nokia N900
  • Nokia N810
  • Nokia N800
  • Nokia 770

Known issues:

  • Competitors is not necessarily device-specific unless you're comparing a competitor to a particular Nokia product, so either device should be optional or this should be moved to the first major category.
  • Alternatives is hard. If it's an alternative OS, then should it be device-specific? But if it's installed via dual-boot, then it needs software and may be OS specific.

I also propose the ability to filter new posts by hardware/OS tag. The end goal is for users to be able to know if a thread applies to their device.



Solution #3: Separate Software into Categories by the OS on which it runs

Posted on 2009-12-15 18:43 UTC by Gerald Koblentz.

The Problem

Currently, Talk has a Category called Software, which has subcategories for Applications, Multimedia, Games, and Design. It does not categorize threads by whether the software runs on Diablo or Fremantle or any other OS. This causes at least two problems:

1. If you only care about, say, Diablo versions of an application, you can't look for it as a Diablo program. So, if Solution #1 (filtering by checkbox, above) were implemented with the current subcategorization of Software, you might want New Posts only about Diablo-related applications, but your New Posts search would return a list of threads that included all applications, even including threads about applications that could run only in Fremantle. There just isn't a checkbox to use now that includes Diablo and omits Fremantle.

2. You can't tell whether the software discussed in a thread is coded for one OS or another, unless someone in the thread expressly states which OS it's about. You often can't tell which OS the software is for by reading the title, either. Unless all Original Posters conscientiously state the OS (Maemo 4/Diablo or Maemo 5/Fremantle) in the title, the thread is ambiguous in a very important way ... especially considering the two OSes do not run the same software. This isn't like Windows 98 and Windows XP; this is like Windows XP and Mac OSX.


The Solution

Divide the Software Category in Talk by OS. This could be done different ways, but let's get to a consensus that any one of these ways (or something similar) is a good idea.

1. Make sub-categories under Software for "Fremantle" and "Diablo/Chinook". Then, under those OS Sub-Categories, make subcategories for Applications, Multimedia, Games, and Design. Or ...

2. Keep the current subcategories for Applications, Multimedia, Games, and Design; and under each of those create OS categories for Fremantle and for Diablo/Chinook. Or ...

3. Do the same thing as in #1 or #2 but reduce Applications, Multimedia, Games, and Design to just "Games" and "Other Applications and Software." Or ...

4. Eliminate distinctions for Applications, Multimedia, Games, and Design and simply divide up Software into Fremantle and Diablo/Chinook.

As you can see, the solution does not much care how Software is set up, so long as the set-up makes categorical OS distinctions.

"Other OSes" as an Issue

Pre-Chinook can just go into Old for now.

Harmattan. When Harmattan gets applications, another category (or set of categories) for Harmattan can be created, just like the Diablo/Chinook and Fremantle categories. And then there will be three instead of two OS categories under Software (like in #1) or under each of Software's Sub-Categories (as in #2).

Harmattan + 1: Same thing, another category or set of categories will be added, and everything else can stay the same. So then there will be four, clearly defined OS categories. It's simple and everything has its place. If Harmattan +1 turns out to be compatible with Harmattan, then maybe those should be in the same category and another category need not be created. But as long as the OSes are incompatible, each gets its own category.

Mer: If Mer is to operate as I understand it, it will run Fremantle software. So there is no need for a Mer category in Software at all. If Mer turns out different than that, well ... let's cross that bridge when we actually get there (unless someone has contradictory knowledge that includes a firm roadplan for Mer).


Solution #4: Handle Hardware/OS via sub-categories

Posted on 2009-12-16 05:22 UTC by FatalSaint Alucard.

At a top level I propose the forum structured in this way.  There is some redundancy in the sub-categories of OS's, however it doesn't require users to put specific tags - and doesn't clutter one sub-category with several different OS' software. A user simply picks the OS they are in, and then makes a post under the applicable sub-category.


  • General
  • Brainstorm
  • Community
  • Off-topic

Operating System (Software)

  • Maemo 6 / Harmattan
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • Maemo 5 / Fremantle
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • Mer (Optional: this should eventually merge with Maemo 5)
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • OS2006 / Maemo 2 / Mistral - Scirocco - Gregale
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development


  • Devices
    • N900
    • N810
    • N800
    • N770
  • Accessories
  • Competitors
  • Buy & Sell

This structure, along with an ability to select individual categories to show in the "New Posts" search will allow users to go directly to a software or OS of their choice and see only the software or OS that they want without the need for special search strings or trying to sift through the possibly hundreds of different tags to find the necessary ones.

Known Issues:

  • Applications could potentially fall under multiple categories.
  • Issues could be inside the software or OS, but specific to a certain device hardware.  (IE: incorrect key mappings for the N810 keyboard, which N800 users wouldn't notice.)

Solution #5: Modify Advanced Search to Allow Null Keyword

Posted on 2009-12-16 21:02 UTC by Dave Pat.

Advanced Search provides a great many options which can restrict searches regardless of how the forums are restructured. Except that it does not allow searches on a null or * keyword. This should be replaced with a max records returned limit or no limit.


Solution #6: Make it Device Specific at the Top

Posted on 2009-12-16 22:39 UTC by Dave Pat.

I agree with the previous solutions that stress the OS but I don't think they go far enough. Everything should be OS specific. I would also move the General category to the bottom in order to discourage newcomers from posting in the general forum rather than in the appropriate forum. To wit:


Devices and Operating System

  • N900 / Maemo 5 / Fremantle
    • N900 hardware and operating system
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • N810,N800 / OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
    • N800 / N810 hardware and operating system
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • Future / Maemo 6 / Harmattan
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • Mer (Optional: this should eventually merge with Maemo 5)
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development
  • N770 / OS2006 / Maemo 2 / Mistral - Scirocco - Gregale
    • Applications
    • Multimedia
    • Games
    • Development


  • General
  • Brainstorm
  • Community
  • Off-topic
  • Other Hardware
    • Accessories
    • Competitors
    • Buy & Sell



Solution #7: Tags, in addition to most of the above solutions.

Posted on 2009-12-18 06:47 UTC by J G.

Threads can be tagged by any user

Any user can create Tags

Tagging is not anonymous - Any user Tagging a thread is listed next to the tag

Tags can be added or removed dynamically via the search results UI


The categories/tags discussion is not an either/or proposition.  Users should be able to find the content they want however they are most comfortable. This includes scoping the content to show only what they are after.


<link to comment in thread for further discussion pending>


Solution #8: Add filtering options based on other metadata not mentioned in Solution1

Posted on 2009-12-22 17:44 UTC by Randall Arnold.

In addition to the filtering selections mentioned in Solution #1, I propose the following:

  • Ability to Ignore not just posts by problematic members, but their entire threads as well
  • Ability to filter based on thread ratings.  Members should be able to exclude threads from showing up in their personal forum view if they fall below a certain rating threshold (1 to 5 stars).  Note that threads with no votes need to be treated separately
  • Ability to filter posts/threads based on creator karma, post count and/or related factors

...and anything else along these lines

These features should go a long way toward noise reduction


Solution #9: Make thread voting onymous

Posted on 2009-12-22 22:50 UTC by FatalSaint Alucard.


The current star-rating system on threads allows a user to, hopefully, vote on the threads contribution to the community.  However, this system is entirely anonymous, and is in my opinion not constructive as such.  If someone votes a thread 1 star, labeled "terrible", that's quite the statement.

If that user does not explain why they feel the OP created a "terrible" thread then how is the op to learn? The idea of the star-system would be to navigate people (especially new users) away from "terrible" threads - but if someone doesn't understand why their thread is terrible they could create several more, or feel angry, hateful, or hurt that something they felt was worthy of a topic got stomped on with no explanation.  This could result in further posts or threads by the user being less-then welcome.



If this system were openned up then I believe people would be more inclined to support their position inside the threads they are rating.  If not, the OP could easily see who disliked their thread and find out, either in the thread or via a side-discussion in PM, how to improve their topics for the future.  This will allow people to "face their accuser" so to speak and not feel cast aside, and will also make people "think" before rating threads "terrible" on whether they feel so strongly about it, as to defend their position.

A system that allows a negative feedback such as this should only be done with very clear, and decisive reasoning.  People should be able to tarnish other users information, forum experience, or name in an anonymous fashion.


Solution #10: Make Brainstorm voting onymous

Posted on 2009-12-22 23:06 UTC by FatalSaint Alucard.


Using the same logic that is in Solution #9, people are able to come to Brainstorm and vote "down" a person's recommended solution.  While this is fine, the user is not required to then post a reason for their dislike of that solution.  Authors of solutions are allowed to modify, and grow their solutions based on discussions held on  If something is wrong with a proposed solution, it can be discussed on and ultimately fixed here on brainstorm - which is my understanding of the intent.

However, as solutions are voted down and no discussion is made to make a better one, then nobody learns.



Like Solution #9, I recommend that the anonymous system be removed and voters released.  It is my belief that a solution should only be voted "down" if it is in some way a negative or detrimental solution.  But when no discussion takes place on *why* then the author has no way to fix it or understand why.  Also, a person may vote down all solutions while not providing one of their own, nor contributing in any way to the discussion, which is entirely unhelpful in every scenario.  If someone feels passionate about a solution, they should not feel ashamed or intimidated to support their opinion.

While I understand that this may drive votes away from an already vote-deprived system, it is my belief that votes from people who neither participate in the discussions or create their own solutions, are not helping the community grow.


Solution #11: Individual post rating system

Posted on 2009-12-22 23:19 UTC by FatalSaint Alucard.


Currently the community suffers from a good number of things called "flaming", "trolls", "noise", etc.  This is especially noticeable immediately after new devices hit the market and a new flux of users come and are happy or unhappy with their product.  This creates a headache for moderators, is annoying to users, is not community friendly and could easily drive a good deal of new (and old) members away. This problem exists in all forums, and all forums handle this differently.


One way of handling this is similar to Solution #8.  However, instead of each user having to modify their settings (while this can certainly still be implemented), I recommend we have a button, per post, where members can "vote down" a specific post.  If a posts combined Thanks! and Hide! (example) rating reaches below a certain threshold then by default it would hide the post (or shrink it to a single line like other forums do levels and just say "This person's post is hidden.")  Users can then choose to click on "show" or change a permanent user setting to "show hidden posts".

To prevent abuse, this "Hide!" button would be limited to people with either a certain number of Thanked posts themselves, or a certain Karma level.  This would ease requirements of moderators finding (and possibly deleting) a good portion of "bait" posts.  The extremely offensive or unwanted would still need to be removed by a moderator, but a way to reduce the number of posts technically within the guidelines - but in no way helpful to the topic at hand, and also provides a way for very offensive content to be hidden until a moderator has a chance to address it.

Note: This "hide" button would add, like the Thanks! button, a small line that says "These people would like to hide this post." or something similar.  This will further prevent abuse of the system.


Solution #12: HTTPS support

Posted on 2009-12-23 08:00 UTC by Lionel Mamane.

Allow connecting over an encrypted connection (SSL).


Solution #13: Add FAQ and/or threads that have successfully solved issues to talk side-bar

Posted on 2009-12-24 03:41 UTC by Fredrik Ökvist.


Many people ask the same questions over and over again and this is causing irritation and snappy responses



Have a new item called something like "solutions", adding the often forgotten, or unread, FAQ and troubleshooting to the sidebar for easy reference when answering these posts. Perhaps adding a section containing threads that have successfully, and in an explanatory manner, solved an issue.


Solution #14: Turn vertical layout into tabbed layout

Posted on 2009-12-29 01:28 UTC by Randall Arnold.

If possible, separate the major sections into tabbed pages to shorten the distance readers have to scroll down.

Based on current layout, tab headers would be:

Talk | Software | OS/Platform | Devices  (etc)

Although I would order them as follows:

Devices | OS/Platform | Software | Talk


Solution #15: Mark Active Topics as Uninteresting

Posted on 2010-01-08 01:10 UTC by Arnim Sauerbier.


New interesting threads appear in active topics, however are quickly buried by 'uninteresting' discussions.


Allow user to mark an active topic as 'uninteresting', removing it from the 'active discussions' list as displayed for that user.


Solution #16: Separate subfora for opinion/review threads and technical discussion

Posted on 2010-01-29 16:01 UTC by David Falkayn.

Inspired by this thread.

Executive summary: Each device has a dedicated review/criticism/experence subforum to complement the already existing hardware subforum. This provides a clearly-defined location for threads that right now may end up "General", "Off-topic", N900, etc.

The increased volume of posts in Talk, especially in the N900 subforum, has made moderating rather overwhelming. One thing that would help keep the forum organized and require less arbitrary decisions by the moderators is having better-defined places to put threads that are not really under the umbrella of the current classifications. One type of subforum very much missing is one specifically for the opinions and reviews. From my post in the original thread:

There's merit in having the very technical, support-type threads gathered together in one place. There is also merit in having the criticism, praise, and review threads--the experiences--gathered together in one place. I think the problem is that some of the mods (me included), when doing the endless sorting that goes on (because most people who own an N900 just post in N900), feel like those two places of gathering should be distinct. There's a pretty clear division between review-type threads and technical discussion, or there could be, if we asked people to think in those terms.

I don't believe this differentiation has made an appearance in the Brainstorm on Talk reorganization. Should it?

In addition to the present categories of
Maemo 5/ Fremantle (OS/platform)
N900 (hardware devices)
there would be a
N900 reviews (criticism, praise, and experiences)

Each device with an entry under Hardware /Devices would get a parallel subforum under User Experiences. This would give people a clear destination for technical questions and discussion, and for threads of an opinion and review nature.


Solution #17: Limit thread opening rights for users lacking a minimal number of "thanks"

Posted on 2010-04-09 03:28 UTC by AG Sopwith.

Trolls and spammers on the forum are easy to spot by the fact that they never receive any "thanks" for their posts. A simple and effective way to prevent annoying threads from ever emerging is to limit the right of users to start new threads before they have proven responsible and mature enough by submitting useful posts and thus receiving "thanks".

Different subforums could have separate requirements (as low as "0 thanks", for support subforums for example), to ease the way of new users into the forum.

This solution would work best if "negative thanks" are implemented as well, as suggested in "Solution #11: Individual post rating system", to counteract potential account cloning by the trolls. It is compatible with most of the solutions proposed above and would be a logical and useful extension to them.


Solution #18: Stackoverflow interface

Posted on 2010-08-13 05:39 UTC by G S.

To make the communication much more efficient and fun please update interface with a Stackoverflow one.
Click on the screenshot to see a larger one!

Solution #19: Shortcut to Talk-search{package} from maemo.org_Downloads_{package}

Posted on 2010-10-31 03:18 UTC by paul anderson.

Mods: if this is in the wrong place just move or delete as necessary - couldn't see a better place myself.

SubIssue:There is very little information on the packages listed in > Downloads >.

This is actually a good, minimalist approach found in most good web design,
but there needs to be pointers to further information and more indepth information regarding each package.

Solution: Add a link which automagically goes to a search for the package from its page
which would give anyone chasing deeper information a better idea of what the package can and cannot do.

Sometimes we want to know more about a package before installing it.

Developers seem to develop very nice packages and then neglect to adequately describe it (in many cases).

There is a wealth of information to be found in talk.maemo on any given package

By pointing to a search on the product prospective users can see what the latest discussions are regarding the product.

Here is an example of how this is proposed

(apologies to the author - I only use this as a demonstration of the link and not in any regard to your work in particular)

Latest activities to brainstorm Proposed Talk forum improvements for 2010