
Placement of the LED Notification indicator.

Posted on 2009-09-24 02:41 UTC by vamsi kanumuri. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Devices.

The LED notification indicator on the n900 is not placed on the edge of the device. As a result i assume i would miss the notifications if the n900 was placed above my eye level. For example if i was sitting on my couch and the n900 was placed on the dining table at a distance away from the couch and if the couch and the dining table are of the same level, i cannot see the LED light glowing because of the placement of the LED indicator. Consider the same scenario in the n810, since the LED indicator is placed towrads the edge of the device, i can see the LED indicator even if i am at a lower level in comparision to the device.

Since i do not have the n900 i cannot vouch for this, but from what i watched on the videos this seems to be a problem.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Replace LED indicator on the edge of the device.

Posted on 2009-09-24 13:31 UTC by vamsi kanumuri.

If possible in the future please move the LED indicator to the edge of the device so that we can see the LED indicator in all angles.

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