
Phone app: call forwarding

Posted on 2010-03-24 17:57 UTC by Dan Söderlund. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Other.

When you put a call on hold, call a second one and then want to connect the two and disconnect youself, you press "4 + send" or something like that. I'ts some kind of standard 3G net function...and it's used in the swedish operator Tre in their Switch service. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on the N900.

I had a chat with Nokia/Tre where they explained that this possibility is NOT implemented yet om the N900.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Just do it

Posted on 2010-03-24 17:57 UTC by Dan Söderlund.

Could it be made without Nokia?

Latest activities to brainstorm Phone app: call forwarding