

Phone App: Add default number prefix when calling landline/or mobile with skype

Posted on 2010-01-24 16:07 UTC by Daniel Alonso. Status: Waiting, Categories: User Experience.

One of the things I like the more in Fremantle is the integration of SkypeOut in the phone app.

When I select a contact I'm offered two buttons for every phone number of the contact, one for calling through the phone network operator, and a second one for calling thourgh SkypeOut.

Nevertheless it is plain impossible to use it as SkypeOut needs the full international number (+55 15 3342 9700), while my contact number has only the reduced form (15 3342 9700).

This forces me to duplicate phone numbers in the contact entry, one for normally calling and the second one for SkypeOut calling, loosing the advantage of having two buttons in the phone app. Moreover, now I have 4 buttons for calling the same number.

Shouldn't be possible to setup a predefined SkypeOut prefix? Being +55 in the example.

Additionally, when in roaming inside the same country an additional prefix must be added. Would it be possible to detect I'm outside my code and add an additional prefix to numbers stored?

The case is that in this situation for calling the same number I need three different entries for the same contact:

Normal calling: 3342 9700

SkypeOut: +55 15 3342 9700

Roaming: 041 15 3342 9700

Three entries that inside the phone app are again duplicated, for SkypeOut.

Hope I explained myself well.

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