
Many tested apps in Extras-testing are not promoted timely

Posted on 2010-08-01 11:17 UTC by Harald Schmitt. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Utilities, User Experience,

In Extras testing there are at the moment 222 apps & themes and 44 of them are in status "Promotion unlocked, waiting for maintainter to promote". These 20% is a pretty high number.

How can this be reduced?

Talk thread is at

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Add Auto-Promote option

Posted on 2010-08-01 11:18 UTC by Harald Schmitt.

For apps that had a number (to be specified) of iterations let the author activate an option "Auto promote" which promotes an app the Extras when voting is sufficient.


Solution #2: Let super tester promote an app when voting is sufficient

Posted on 2010-08-01 11:46 UTC by Harald Schmitt.

Give the maintainer an option to allow a "super tester" to promote an app, when its voting is sufficient.


Solution #3: After 10 days with no maintainer action, ask for vote.

Posted on 2010-08-01 13:41 UTC by Ian Stirling.

If the maintainer is not responding after 10 days, then the testers are asked to vote in his place.

The testers are emailed, and get to re-vote, thumbing up or down the app.

(with super-testers counting as 3).

If it hits 5, it gets promoted.

If it hits -5, it gets put back in devel.


This would _not_ be an objective process like the QA checklist, but an entirely subjective decision.

'Is this app good enough for extras'.


Solution #4: Leave it as-is and (perhaps) change extras-testing as a whole.

Posted on 2010-08-01 16:50 UTC by Stefanos Harhalakis.

The process could be left as-is and keep trusting authors for doing their job.

However, the whole extras-testing thing seem to discourage developement a lot. It takes less to write a program than to collect the required votes. This problem seems to be a side-effect of this long delay. So, instead of changing this, we should consider changing the extras-testing as a whole. While there are concerns about the delayed PR bug-fix releases, we cannot provide timely bug-fixes ourselves. Minor bug-fixes take forever to get promoted and the authors loose their interest or find another app to develop.


Solution #5: Reminder email for packages ready for promotion

Posted on 2010-08-02 11:18 UTC by Harald Schmitt.

Send a weekly (or another intervall) reminder email to the maintainer, that the package is ready for promotion. Maybe with a hint that he can reject it by thumbing down.

Latest activities to brainstorm Many tested apps in Extras-testing are not promoted timely