

Lost and found

Posted on 2010-01-31 17:15 UTC by nick montgomery. Status: Waiting, Categories: Location & Navigation.

I propose an application to utilise Google's geolocation API to allow users to either find themselves or their missing device. This will be useful for times when the user and/or device are indoors or in a built up city area and GPS data is not available.

An example of the process can be viewed here - input a web facing MAC address to be presented with very accurate location information. Skyhook already offer services to developers and there are lots of iphone and android location tools using their data.

It should be possible to run a Kismet type scan for MAC addresses of wireless access points as a startup and shutdown process and also at user defined intervals and on demand - the results of the scan could then be passed to the geolocation service and the results presented to the user via a utility on the device or on a secure web page.  Power levels of the located SSIDs could be displayed either numerically or colour coded to give an idea of the distance from the device.

While first consideration is for a location/security utility, the same process could be used to set profiles depending on location.

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