
Improving Skype on N900

Posted on 2010-02-17 23:04 UTC by Garfield Arbuckle. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Internet & Networking.

The Skype implementation on n900 is very feature weak. There have been a number of suggestions of ways it could be improved. This brainstorm is to collate them all in one place to make a feature-rich Skype experience.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: VIdeo Calls

Posted on 2010-02-17 23:04 UTC by Garfield Arbuckle.

Skype (the Company) supports video calls but the N900 does not even though it has a front-facing camera which could be used.

The front-facing camera is not very good, but that is another whole discussion. However, there should be an option to also use the main camera (Skype now supports HD) which would allow users to stream high quality content to their contacts.


Solution #2: Call with Skype in Contacts should include type of call

Posted on 2010-02-17 23:08 UTC by Garfield Arbuckle.

Even though I have different types of phone numbers in my Contacts such as Phone, Phone (Home), Mobile, Mobile (Work), etc, the 'Call with Skype' buttons do not include the details of which phone I am calling.

They should be renamed 'Call Phone (Home) with Skype' and 'Call Mobile (Work) with Skype', etc to make it clearer.


Solution #3: Accept Invitations

Posted on 2010-02-17 23:14 UTC by Garfield Arbuckle.

Currently, if a friend decides to add me to their Skype contacts which automatically sends an invitation which has to be accepted, I don't see that invitation on my N900 and therefore can't accept it.

To add my friends I have to invite them or log onto my account using my PC and accept any invitations from there. This should be fixed.

If an invitation is received on the N900 I should be given the option to assign that invitation to an existing contact, or create a new contact.


Solution #4: Audio Alerts

Posted on 2010-02-17 23:21 UTC by Garfield Arbuckle.

When my N900 Skype logs on I receive an audio alert. I also receive a different audio alert when I lose the connection. However, there is nowhere to configure this alert.

I should be able to configure what sound I want for the log on/off or choose no sound at all (silent).

It would also be helpful if I could configure my N900 to give me alerts when my contacts sign in (become online) on a per contact or group basis so that I could have my device alert me when, for example, my wife or any member of my family (group?) comes online.

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