
Developer and Applications promotion

Posted on 2009-10-09 13:35 UTC by Isko Salminen. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Marketing.

How can Nokia do the best possible job to promote applications and the people behind them through

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Maemo developer of month/quartal/...

Posted on 2009-10-30 06:26 UTC by Timo P.

Developer gets his face to the page if he/she wants to and Nokia gives him/her an official certificate "Maemo Developer of month" signed by Nokia. Developer could use it for example in his/hers CV or otherwise brag about it.

Pros: Real reward that can be useful to many.

Cons: Requires work from Nokia (who selects, by which criteria, ....). Could be selected by community naturally. And timeframe could be quartal for example that means about 3 times less work.

Latest activities to brainstorm Developer and Applications promotion