The purpose of this proposal is to assess the demand and determine the best way to deliver a Java ME - runtime for Fremantle / Maemo 5.
A MIDP - compatible Java ME runtime is present on most of today's smartphones, nearly all of the latest Nokia devices are delivered with Java ME available.
It is an established technology with a big developer base, there are many Applications and Games available, but currently there is no easy way for endusers to be able to run their MIDlets on the new Maemo 5 Platform.
Ideally, this brainstorm proposal results in a Java ME Package available in the Fremantle-Repositories for easy distribution through the Maemo 5 App Manager.
The thread that sparked this proposal:
Java for Maemo 5
This is not supposed to be yet another "Nokia should do it" proposal - if you want an implementation, please vote not only for the "Nokia-option", but place a 2nd vote on your favourite community solution so we will know where to invest our time first, should Nokia really decide not to buy an official License.