someday (hopefully soon) we will have so many applications to choose from for our Maemo-based tablets/mobiles, and then it will be very crucial to be able to create folders on the Desktop and in the Main Menu
you can also brainstorm it here
Posted on 2009-12-11 16:40 UTC by Rami Zalloum. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop.
someday (hopefully soon) we will have so many applications to choose from for our Maemo-based tablets/mobiles, and then it will be very crucial to be able to create folders on the Desktop and in the Main Menu
you can also brainstorm it here
Posted on 2009-12-11 20:54 UTC by Erik Nygren.
Provide a tab or folder or category metaphor for organizing applications on the desktop. Allow applications to be grouped into folders/categories or associated under tabs.
Posted on 2009-12-11 20:58 UTC by Erik Nygren.
Allow the user to select an alternate application launcher to encourage the development of third-party application launchers. Different people seem to want to organize their applications in different ways and prefer different metaphors for application management and launching. The large number of third-party PalmOS launcher applications (all with different UI metaphors) provide an example of where this model might work well.
Some might be menu-like, some might be tab-based, and some others might explore crazy ideas (such as a 3D launcher where the users spins a cube that has different apps on different sides).