
Call log (record) limited to 30 days

Posted on 2009-11-24 17:47 UTC by Kieron Peters. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Utilities.

The N900 call log (record) is limited to only 30 days. This should be either unlimited, or there should be at least an option to enable unlimited logging.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Allow user-defined time until logs are deleted

Posted on 2010-02-12 23:44 UTC by Andy Pham.

There could be a option in settings to change how long the records would exist, minimum of no logging to a maximum of 3 months (or other reasonably useful time, logs from 1 year back would lag the scroller, and wouldn't be very useful anyways). Settings > Phone > Under heading 'Logging' > When clicked, button 'Log Length' yields 'No Logging', '1 Month', '2 Months', '3 Months', and more if necessary.

Solution #2: Limiting the visible log in phone-app and having a separate log viewer

Posted on 2010-02-12 23:50 UTC by Andy Pham.

If one were to implement more than a month's worth of logs, it would be necessary to hide the older logs in a seperate area. For example, one could log up to 3 months, but only see the last week or two's logs. Settings > Phone > Under heading 'Logging' > When clicked, button 'Visible Log' yields '1 Week', '2 Weeks', '3 weeks', and '4 Weeks' To view the older logs, one would go to the phone app. Phone App > Application Menu (Bar at the top) > When clicked, button 'Logs' brings you to a new page > Drop-down menu at the top when clicked, yields 'Logs from the past month', 'Logs from the past 2 months', and 'All Logs'

Latest activities to brainstorm Call log (record) limited to 30 days