
Modest: Navigating folders that contain a lot of emails is difficult

Posted on 2009-09-20 18:49 UTC by Tim Samoff. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience.

Currently, the only way to navigate through the Inbox (and additional folders) in Modest is to scroll down the list. The introduction of kinetic scrolling in Maemo 5 makes this easier, but the job can still be tedious if there are lots of emails in the folder.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Add "Date" sorting

Posted on 2009-09-22 10:21 UTC by Tim Samoff.


This idea introduces new "Date" headers within each folder, as well as a Date Picker for quick navigation of links.

1. All email within a folder would be divided by appropropriate "Date" headers, where each email that was received on a certain date would appear under the header. Each of these headers would be collapsable (think accordian menu), able to "hide" the emails that were received on the corresponding date.

2. The main menu for each view within Modest would include a menu item called, "Go to." Clicking this button would trigger a Date Picker, where the user could click on a specific date and be presented with emails from only that date within the current view (i.e., all emails from a specific date within the Inbox only).


Solution #2: Add real-time filtering

Posted on 2009-09-22 10:24 UTC by Tim Samoff.

Allow users to filter emails by date, subject, and sender by using the hardware keyboard to type values (similar to the Contacts app).


Solution #3: Add account-wide search function

Posted on 2009-09-22 12:10 UTC by Tim Samoff.

A la traditional search by user-defined parameters (including folder level).


Solution #4: Add folder-specific search function

Posted on 2009-09-22 12:11 UTC by Tim Samoff.

A la traditional search by user-defined parameters.


Solution #5: folders, subfolders, advanced sort and hooks

Posted on 2009-10-16 12:26 UTC by Rüdiger Schiller.

I for example have IMAP and Exchange accounts with several subfolders and subsubfolders. Subfolders show should be choosable, I would prefer to dig one step instead of showing all 15+ subfolders and 30+ subsubfolders... there is a reason why they are subbed! so a level of how deep the primaryview digs should be available as default setting.

sorting by sender|date|thread and other frequently used things should be available and to choose for a default setup (there are different kinds of threaded views people use afaik)

different mutt like hooks such as send hook save hook fcc hook should be available aswell


Solution #6: Collapsable Threads

Posted on 2009-10-21 04:44 UTC by Wes Hardaker.

I get a lot of mail and the only solution that works in my mail readers is threaded displays, where the default is to collapase all messages from a single thread into a hierarchially hidden display.  That way you only expand the threads you're currently interested in and searching through huge mail boxes with lots of discussions is possible.


Solution #7: auto-load only most recent mail

Posted on 2009-10-27 20:41 UTC by thomas p.

not only is the scrolling slow when the inbox has lots of email, but so is also the initial opening of the inbox. when new mail is received, loading only the most recent mail would speed up the process of getting to the new mail. for example, default behaviour could be to only load email received today. when scrolling to the end of the list, the rest could then be automatically loaded.


Solution #8: Twitterflike "infinite" list functionality

Posted on 2009-12-10 14:08 UTC by Tim Samoff.

Or, more adequately, Solution #7b:

I'm not a huge fan of Solution 7, but it could be a user-definable capability in Modest's setting. It would also work better if, at the end of each set of loaded emails (say, every 50 or 100 emails), there was a "More" button (akin to that seen on streams). When the More button is tapped, the word "More" changes to a progress pinwheel (again, just like on Twitter). When the next set of emails are loaded, the More button would then appear at the bottom of those (and so on).

This might be useful for people who are "on the go" and have a slow connection, as all they might need are the last 100 emails or so.


Solution #9: Provide advanced scrolling functionality

Posted on 2009-12-13 21:40 UTC by Christos Saturn.

Provide sidebar scrolling functionality similar to the one the MediaBox application employes.


That is, you can use kinetic scrolling for moving slowly over messages or use the sidebar to move by category. The category will follow what is being used to sort the messages.

For ex. if sorted by date the categories will scroll mesaages by weeks and then by months, if by name then by the sender, etc.


A transparent overlay in the middle will show where you are in the list. For ex. Nov 2009 or, etc.

Latest activities to brainstorm Modest: Navigating folders that contain a lot of emails is difficult