Member since 2007-05-18
- Username - penguinbait
- IRC nickname - penguinbait
- AIM id - penguinbait
- Job title - Senior Systems Engineer
- Interest - Promotion, Support, Testing & reporting bugs, UI Design
Hi I am penguinbait. I have been using maemo since the 770 was new. I own the 800 and 810. I love all things linux, which is what drew me to Nokia hardware to begin with. My first attempt into compiling a window manger "Window Maker" for n800 proved very successful. Further attempts into Openbox WM and ROX also produced a fast usable desktop, although buggy. KDE came next and proved to be pretty cool with support for BT mouse and CUPS allowing network printing. XFCE made a appearance briefly. CD/DVD burning on KDE
I was the first one to put QT on a maemo
I was the first one to provide an alternate window manager on a maemo device
I was the first one to put KDE on a maemo device
I was the first one to provide full office suite, Koffice, on a maemo device
I was the first one to bring printing to maemo device
I was the first one to provide configurable joystick support on a maemo device (under KDE and maemo)
I was the first one to Burn CD/DVD on maemo device
I was the first one to automate cloning installations, and bootmenu operations on a maemo device.
Just having fun in my spare time, which is less and less