
Wii-mote GamePad PS3 controller

Posted on 2009-10-29 11:15 UTC by Rüdiger Schiller. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Games, User Experience.

We have all hardware needed to create a N900-Wii-mote, and I'd like to have a N900-Wii-mote to not buy another Wii-mote for a third player... also I'd like to have the N900 as an universal game-controler for PC and PS3.

What would be a proper solution?

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: xtouch Wiimote

Posted on 2009-10-29 12:15 UTC by Rüdiger Schiller.

program with a userinterface to asign controller type (Wiimote - gamepad), choose touchinterface (cant be that much atm as there is no multitouch yet) and asign hardware buttons, exporting the devices resources as Wiimote or BT HID gamepad.


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