
Implement portrait mode in Media Player (audio)

Posted on 2009-09-02 15:19 UTC by Marat Fayzullin. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Media.

It should really be possible to use Fremantle Media Player in the portrait mode, at least when playing audio. A typical usage pattern would be to keep Fremantle device in your pocket while listening to music, then quickly take it out with one hand to browse through the list of tracks. Portrait mode has following advantages here:

1. You can easily hold the device with one hand (like Nokia 5800 and similar devices)

2. The portrait-oriented track list can show more tracks

3. As the device is already sitting vertically in your pocket, to let the headphone wire out, you do not need to rotate it.

Discussion thread at

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Add vertical orientation support to the player

Posted on 2009-09-22 05:18 UTC by Marat Fayzullin.

Add the vertical orientation support to the player, in much the same way it is done in Nokia 5800 and other S60e5 phones.


Solution #2: Add vertical layout to Media Player

Posted on 2009-09-28 16:10 UTC by Marat Fayzullin.

Add a vertical layout to the stock Media Player application, so that it works with the headphone jack and unlock switch on top. This will let the user carry the device in his pocket, taking it out and unlocking it with one hand, when necessary. Additional benefit is the ability to display longer song lists.

There is no need ot implement vertical layout for video as it is naturally horizontal.

Latest activities to brainstorm Implement portrait mode in Media Player (audio)