
  1. GUI
  2. Command line


Working on porting a qt4 program, uniXM, binary and some basic instructions.

Click here to go to OS2008 maemo uniXM

Command line

install mplayer

open utilities->terminal

create a bash script, in this case squizz.sh channel 48

mplayer -vo null -cache 256 
-playlist "http://www.xstreamxm.com/mobile/stream.asx?email=username@email.com&pass=yourpassword&chan=48&speed=low"

All of the above on a single line with a new line at the end.

replace username@email.com with your XM Radio account email address and yourpassword with your password


chmod a+x squizz.sh

For some reason first time I ran it volume was zero even though it showed it was playing. use "*" to increase the volume (Fn + L) and "/" to decrease the volume (Fn + H).

One thing I did notice is that if you already had a session logged in via a web browser on a PC then it did not generate an error, you just didn't receive any data on the stream.